Topic Of The Day:-Adrift On Stormy Seas

Dravidian Politics Must Re-Invent Every Aspect Of Itself: Its Modes Of Operation, Its Emotional Motifs, And Its Leadership

Tamil Nadu at different points in history has been considered the bane of Indian politics as much as it has been the enlightened torch-bearer of progressive reform. Today, the foundation of its political superstructure is facing tectonic shifts and an entirely new paradigm may be on the horizon.

In the heyday of the Dravidian movement, Tamil Nadu was one of those rare States that issued the clarioncall of secession and autonomy for the Tamil people, ethnic-based demands that would, in today’s India, be instantly branded “anti-national”. Toward the turn of the century, one of its leaders brought down a coalitiongovernment at the Centre by suddenly pulling the plug on an alliance agreement. It has always been a State that has shown resistance to certain diktats from New Delhi, from the micro concerns about Hindi imposition in the State to macro disputes over inter-State river-water sharing arrangements.

Notwithstanding the frictions generated by Tamil Nadu’s posturing on all these contentious issues, it has simultaneously been the vanguard among its peers in the provision of mass welfare goods and services



1) enlightened

Meaning : having or showing a rational, modern, and well-informed outlook.(adj)

Synonyms : informed

Antonyms : uninformed

Example : “the more enlightened employers offer better terms”

2) reform

Meaning : make changes in (something, especially an institution or practice) in order to improve it.(v) , the action or process of reforming an institution or practice.(n)

Synonyms : improve

Antonyms : impair

Example : “the Bill will reform the tax system”

3) tectonic

Meaning : relating to the structure of the earth’s crust and the large-scale processes which take place within it.(adj)

Synonyms : structural

Example : “the movements of the tectonic plates”

4) paradigm

Meaning : a typical example or pattern of something; a pattern or model.(n)

Synonyms : pattern

Antonyms : atypical sample

Example : “society’s paradigm of the ‘ideal woman’

5) clarion

Meaning : loud and clear.

Synonyms : fine , fair

Antonyms : quiet

Example : “clarion trumpeters”

6) secession

Meaning : the action of withdrawing formally from membership of a federation or body, especially a political state.(n)

Synonyms : separation

Antonyms : entry

Example : “the republics want secession from the union”

7) coalition

Meaning : a temporary alliance for combined action, especially of political parties forming a government.(n)

Synonyms : league

Antonyms : isolation

Example : “a coalition between Liberals and Conservatives”

8) diktats

Meaning : an order or decree imposed by someone in power without popular consent.

Synonyms : rulings

Example : “a diktat from the Bundestag”

9) disputes

Meaning : a disagreement or argument(n).

Synonyms : conflicts

Antonyms : accepts

Example : “a territorial dispute between the two countries”

10) posturing

Meaning : behave in a way that is intended to impress or mislead.(v)

Synonyms : stating

Antonyms : humility

Example : “a masking of fear with macho posturing”

11) vanguard

Meaning : a group of people leading the way in new developments or ideas(n).

Synonyms : forefront

Antonyms : followers

Example : “the experimental spirit of the modernist vanguard”