Topic Of The Day:- “The Money Bill Question”

Whether this decision disappoints those who had high expectations or remains enigmatic on key aspects is a question which will be debated for long. But clearly the majority disappoints with the lack of constitutionalscrutiny on the finality of the Speaker’s decision on what amounts to a Money Bill under Article 110(3) of the Constitution.

No one doubts the high constitutional status of the Speaker, but a very expansive view suggests that any bill which involves recourse to Consolidated Fund of India is a Money Bill and the finality of the Speaker’s decision is virtually unchallengeable. The other view is that the Speaker, like all constitutional functionaries, is bound to exercise the discretion reasonably; purposive as well as strict pragmatic scrutiny carrying “lethal emanations” from Article 14 and 21 must ensue when a large number of bills are tagged with Money Bills. This is dangerous because it removes the rationale for bicameral legislatures, because the Constitution does not foreclose the Rajya Sabha’s collective right to meaningfully deliberate legislative change. The Constitution is not a political tactic, it is not a mere ‘play thing’ of a special majority as Justice M. Hidayatullah said in Sajjan Singh v. State of Rajasthan (1965), laying the foundations of what became thedoctrine of basic structure and essential features. Perhaps, T.S. Eliot’s words regarding Shakespeare remain apt for constitutional interpretation: “…if we can never be right, it is better that we should, from time to time, change our way of being wrong”.

But the majority led by Justice Sikri gives a short shrift to the finality argument. Both Justice Chandrachud and Justice Bhushan refer to a set of decisions which subject ‘finality’ to judicial review and even the basic structure but Justice Bhushan while ruling that the decision of the Speaker is not “immuned [sic] from Judicial Review” still takes the view that the Speaker’s decision “does not violate any constitutional provision, hence does not call for any interference in this proceeding”.

Justice Chandrachud fully dissents and holds the law invalid as a “fraud on the Constitution”, that is a colourable exercise of constitutional power. He maintains that the “notion of absolute power” is anathema to the Constitution and that there is need to “liberate its founding principles from its colonial past”. Its purpose cannot be to shield an excess of power from being questioned before the court, nor to clothe a high functionary with utter impunity.


1) enigmatic

Meaning : difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious.

Synonyms : puzzling , cryptic

Antonyms : clear

Example : “he took the money with an enigmatic smile”

2) scrutiny

Meaning : critical observation or examination.

Synonyms : examination , inspection

Antonyms : inspection

Example : “every aspect of local government was placed under scrutiny

3) discretion

Meaning : the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offence or revealing confidential information.

Synonyms : prudence , caution

Antonyms : paranoia

Example : “she knew she could rely on his discretion”

4) purposive

Meaning : having or done with a purpose.

Synonyms : purposeful

Antonyms : aimless

Example : “teaching is a purposive activity”

5) emanations

Meaning : something which originates or issues from a source.

Synonyms : exhalations , odors

Example : “she saw the insults as emanations of his own tortured personality”

6) bicameral

Meaning : (of a legislative body) having two chambers.

Synonyms : bipartite , divided

Antonyms : unicameral

Example : “a bicameral Parliament consisting of an appointed Senate and a popularly elected House of Assembly”

7) doctrine

Meaning : a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other group.

Synonyms : philosophy , belief

Antonyms : disbelief

Example : “the doctrine of predestination”

8) shrift

Meaning : confession, especially to a priest.

Synonyms : confession , absolution

Example : “go to shrift”

9) dissents

Meaning : the holding or expression of opinions at variance with those commonly or officially held.

Synonyms : conflicts , disputes

Antonyms : agrees

Example : “there was no dissent from this view”

10) utter

Meaning : complete; absolute.

Synonyms : say , complete

Antonyms : incomplete

Example : “Charlotte stared at her in utter amazement”