The shift in Bihar

Nitish Kumar’s impending split from the Mahagathbandhan, or Grand Alliance, in Bihar had been the subject of speculation for months so that when it came, the only surprise was the swiftness and finality of the separation from Lalu Prasad’s Rashtriya Janata Dal — and of his embrace of the Bharatiya Janata Party. The sequence of events suggests that Mr. Kumar had secured the new alliance and his continuation as Chief Minister before he resigned. This is why the proffered reason for his resignation — the allegations of corruption against his Deputy Chief Minister and Mr. Prasad’s son, Tejashwi Yadav — lacked conviction. Mr. Kumar’s record of shifting fast and loose between allies is a story of political expediency and it is not entirely clear what political compulsion or personal ambition the latest move was born of. If it was naive to believe that in 2013 he led the Janata Dal (United) away from the BJP, with which he led a coalition government in Bihar, because of a sudden aversion to prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi and communalism, then it is just as ingenuous to think that his recent move is a result of a principled fight against corruption. Surely, Mr. Kumar knew he had teamed up with a party led by a man convicted for corruption in the fodder scam when he joined hands with Mr. Prasad to fight the 2015 Bihar Assembly election? The record shows that Mr. Kumar’s rallying cry changes depending on which political party he chooses to be up against. As Mr. Kumar inched closer to the BJP, praising demonetisation, supporting its presidential candidate and even colouring a lotus at a public function, the war on corruption became his overriding theme once again. While it is likely he will steer the JD(U) on this political realignment in the days to come, a question mark remains on how long the new arrangement will last. In the BJP’s take-no-prisoners project to expand its electoral footprint, a multi-cornered contest in Bihar, on the lines of the last Lok Sabha election, could be the best-case scenario for the party in 2019. Will it have any use for the JD(U) then? As for Mr. Kumar, he has since 2005 built a constituency made up of vulnerable subsections of the electorate: women and the more backward among the Other Backward Classes, Dalits (Mahadalits), and Muslims (Pasmanda Muslims). These are voters he has sought to tie in to the development narrative with his various allies and forge winning coalitions. Whether this tactic has run its course will be known at the next election, mid-term or otherwise. The gains to the JD(U) from the patch-up are not immediately evident, if indeed Mr. Kumar sees something more durable than a settling of scores with Mr. Prasad. What is without doubt is that opposition unity has suffered a setback. The Mahagathbandhan was perceived as the template for taking on the BJP nationally — what’s more, there were many people who hoped, and once again naively, that Mr. Kumar would be at the heart of it.


1) Impending

Meaning: Be about to happen.

Example: My impending departure.

Synonyms: Imminent, Forthcoming

2) Speculation

Meaning: The forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.

Example: There has been widespread speculation that he plans to quit.

Synonyms: Conjecture, Theorizing

3) Swiftness

Meaning: Lack of delay; promptness.

Example: Researchers were impressed with the swiftness of responses.

Synonyms: Suddenness, Abruptness

Antonyms: Lateness, Tardiness

4) Alliance

Meaning: A union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations.

Example: A defensive alliance between Australia and New Zealand.

Synonyms: Association, Union

Antonyms: Distance, Separation

5) Proffered

Meaning: Hold out or put forward (something) to someone for acceptance.

Example: She proffered a glass of wine.

Synonyms: Offer, Tender

Antonyms: Refuse, Withdraw

6) Expediency

Meaning: The quality of being convenient and practical despite possibly being improper or immoral; convenience.

Example: An act of political expediency.

Synonyms: Convenience, Advantage

Antonyms: Disadvantage

7) Naive

Meaning: (Of a person or action) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement.

Example: The rather naive young man had been totally misled.

Synonyms: Innocent, Unsophisticated

Antonyms: Experienced, Worldly

8) Coalition

Meaning: A temporary alliance for combined action, especially of political parties forming a government.

Example: A coalition between Liberals and Conservatives.

Synonyms: Alliance, Union, Partnership

9) Aversion

Meaning: A strong dislike or disinclination.

Example: They made plain their aversion to the use of force.

Synonyms: Disinclination, Abhorrence

Antonyms: Liking, Inclination, Desire

10) Fodder

Meaning: Food, especially dried hay or straw, for cattle and other livestock.

Example: Young people ending up as factory fodder.

11) Scam

Meaning: A dishonest scheme; a fraud.

Example: An insurance scam.

Synonyms: Fraud, Swindle

12) Rallying

Meaning: The action or process of coming together to support a person or cause.

Example: The rallying of ethnic minorities to form a new opposition party.

13) Patch up

Meaning: To try to improve a relationship after there have been problems.

Example: Jackie and Bill are still trying to patch up their marriage.