Topic Of The Day:-“Winter cheer: on politics around the 2018 Winter Olympics”

The Russian doping scandal continues to cast a long shadow over international sport as the 2018 Winter Olympics begin in PyeongChang, South Korea, on February 9. In December, the International Olympic Committee banned Russia from competing in the Games following investigation into an alleged state-sponsored doping programme at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. The decision to ban Russia came after the IOC’s Disciplinary Commission, headed by former president of the Swiss Confederation Samuel Schmid, confirmed “systemic manipulation of the anti-doping rules and system in Russia”. The IOC had stated, however, that clean Russian athletes would be allowed to compete as neutrals and last month invited 169 of them — each to be known as Olympic Athlete from Russia (OAR) — to participate in the PyeongChang Games. The announcement did not go down well outside Russia, even though the IOC declared that “more than 80%” of those athletes had not competed in Sochi and had been carefully vetted. That the OAR will form one of the largest contingents at the Games, although there will be no place for the Russian flag and anthem, makes the ‘ban’ seem a bit of a farce. Further, Russian athletes could be allowed to march under their own flag at the closing ceremony if they comply with the IOC’s conditions during the Games. There is a sense that the IOC is not able to punish a sporting superpower like Russia. Last week, there was more outrage after the Court of Arbitration for Sport overturned lifetime bans on 28 Russian athletes sanctioned by the IOC following the investigation into Sochi 2014. The IOC expressed its own frustration at the decision, noting that it “may have a serious impact on the future fight against doping”. Proceedings in PyeongChang over the next fortnight will be watched keenly also for other reasons. The little-known host city, which sits some 80 km from the border with North Korea, will bear witness to on-field displays of bonhomie between the neighbours. The two nations will march together at the opening ceremony under a flag representing a unified Korea, and will field a combined women’s ice hockey team. The joint team lost to Sweden in a practice game this week and there are questions over how the two sets of players will get along, but with supporters of both countries cheering their side on together in a time of escalating political tensions, scorecards seem immaterial. North Korea has agreed to field 22 athletes in three sports and five disciplines and is expected to send hundreds of delegates and cheerleaders across the border. India, meanwhile, will be represented by luger Shiva Keshavan, competing in his sixth and probably last Olympics, and skier Jagdish Singh, taking part in his first. Keshavan has been the torch-bearer for winter sports in India for a long time; he will hope for a happy Olympic swansong.


1) Reinforced

Meaning: Strengthen (an existing feeling, idea, or habit).

Example: “The next few months reinforced my opinion of Vince as a man of his word”

Synonyms: Strengthen, Fortify

2) Swamped

Meaning: Overwhelm with an excessive amount of something; inundate.

Example: “The country was swamped with goods from abroad”

Synonyms: Overwhelm, Inundate

3) Dampening

Meaning: Make less strong or intense.

Example: “Nothing could dampen her enthusiasm”

Synonyms: Lessen, Decrease

Antonyms: Heighten

4) Ceded

Meaning: Give up (power or territory).

Example: “In 1874, the islands were ceded to Britain”

Synonyms: Surrender, Concede

Antonyms: Keep, Gain

5) Erode

Meaning: Gradually destroy or be gradually destroyed.

Example: “This humiliation has eroded what confidence Jean has”

Synonyms: Wear away/down, Abrade

6) March

Meaning: (Of a country, territory, or estate) have a common frontier with.

Example: “His estate marches with yours”

7) Surplus

Meaning: An amount of something left over when requirements have been met; an excess of production or supply.

Example: “Exports of food surpluses”

Synonyms: Excess, Surfeit

Antonyms: Dearth, Shortage, Lack

8) Fillip

Meaning: Something which acts as a stimulus or boost to an activity.

Example: “The halving of car tax would provide a fillip to sales”

Synonyms: Stimulus, Boost

Antonyms: Curb

9) Tariffs

Meaning: A tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.

Example: “The reduction of trade barriers and import tariffs”

Synonyms: Tax, Duty

10) Precipitous

Meaning: Dangerously high or steep.

Example: “The track skirted a precipitous drop”

Synonyms: Steep, Sheer

11) Onslaught

Meaning: A fierce or destructive attack.

Example: “A series of onslaughts on the citadel”

Synonyms: Assault, Attack

12) Decimated

Meaning: Kill, destroy, or remove a large proportion of.

Example: “The inhabitants of the country had been decimated”

13) Entrants

Meaning: A person or group that enters or takes part in something.

Example: “The prize will be awarded to the entrant who wins the tiebreak”

Synonyms: New member, New arrival

Antonyms: Veteran

14) Cohort

Meaning: A group of people with a common statistical characteristic.

Example: “The 1940–4 birth cohort of women”

Synonyms: Group, Grouping

15) Retrogressive

Meaning: To return to an older and worse state.

Example: Retrogressive and disastrous policies.

16) Aspiration

Meaning: A hope or ambition of achieving something.

Example: “The needs and aspirations of the people”

Synonyms: Desire, Hope

17) Declining

Meaning: Diminish in strength or quality; deteriorate.

Example: “Her health began to decline”

Synonyms: Deteriorate, Degenerate

Antonyms: Flourish

18) Sheer

Meaning: Used to emphasize how very great, important, or powerful a quality or feeling is; nothing except.

Example: His success was due to sheer willpower/determination.

19) Claimed

Meaning: State or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.

Example: “The Prime Minister claimed that he was concerned about Third World debt”

Synonyms: Assert, Declare

20) Prevail

Meaning: Persuade (someone) to do something.

Example: “She was prevailed upon to give an account of her work”

Synonyms: Persuade, Induce

21) Leveraged

Meaning: Use borrowed capital for (an investment), expecting the profits made to be greater than the interest payable.

Example: “A leveraged takeover bid”

22) Mounting

Meaning: Organize and initiate (a campaign or other course of action).

Example: “The company had successfully mounted takeover bids”

Synonyms: Organize, Stage

23) Open the floodgates

Meaning: If an action or a decision opens the floodgates, it allows something to happen a lot or allows many people to do something that was not previously allowed.

Example: Officials are worried that allowing these refugees into the country will open the floodgates to thousands more.

24) Take-off

Meaning: (Of an enterprise) become successful or popular.

Example: “The newly launched electronic newspaper has really taken off”

Synonyms: Succeed, Do well

Antonyms: Fail, Flop

25) Revived

Meaning: Restore interest in or the popularity of.

Example: “Many pagan traditions are being revived”

Synonyms: Reintroduce, Re-establish

Antonyms: Abolish

26) Doping

Meaning: Administer drugs to (a racehorse, greyhound, or athlete) in order to inhibit or enhance sporting performance.

Example: “The horse was doped before the race”

Synonyms: Drug

27) Scandal

Meaning: An action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage.

Example: “A bribery scandal involving one of his key supporters”

Synonyms: Outrageous wrongdoing, outrageous behaviour

28) Alleged

Meaning: Said, without proof, to have taken place or to have a specified illegal or undesirable quality.

Example: “The alleged conspirators”

Synonyms: Supposed, So-called

29) Vetted

Meaning: Make a careful and critical examination of (something).

Example: “Proposals for vetting large takeover bids”

Synonyms: Screen, Assess

30) Contingents

Meaning: A group of people sharing a common feature, forming part of a larger group.

Example: “A contingent of Japanese businessmen attending a conference”

Synonyms: Group, Party

31) Farce

Meaning: An event or situation that is absurd or disorganized.

Example: “The debate turned into a drunken farce”

Synonyms: Absurdity, Mockery

32) Ceremony

Meaning: A formal religious or public occasion, especially one celebrating a particular event, achievement, or anniversary.

Example: “The winners were presented with their prizes at a special ceremony”

33) Comply

Meaning: Act in accordance with a wish or command.

Example: “We are unable to comply with your request”

Synonyms: Observe, Obey

Antonyms: Ignore, Disobey

34) Frustration

Meaning: The feeling of being upset or annoyed as a result of being unable to change or achieve something.

Example: “Tears of frustration rolled down her cheeks”

Synonyms: Exasperation, Annoyance

Antonyms: Satisfaction

35) Fortnight

Meaning: (Preceded by a specified day) used to indicate that something will take place two weeks after that day.

36) Keenly

Meaning: In an eager or enthusiastic manner.

Example: “One of this year’s most keenly anticipated movies”

37) Bonhomie

Meaning: Cheerful friendliness; geniality.

Example: “He exuded good humour and bonhomie”

Synonyms: Geniality, Congeniality

Antonyms: Coldness

38) Escalating

Meaning: Increase rapidly.

Example: “The price of tickets escalated”

Synonyms: Increase rapidly, Soar

Antonyms: Plunge

39) Immaterial

Meaning: Unimportant under the circumstances; irrelevant.

Example: “The difference in our ages is immaterial”

Synonyms: Irrelevant, Unimportant

Antonyms: Important, Significant

40) Luger

Meaning: A type of German automatic pistol.

Example: “He frowned and turned toward it, automatically reaching for the Luger he carried with him at all times”