Topic Of The Day:-“Impact On Strategic Stability

INS Arihant’s induction will also have implications for regional stability. For one, it is bound to make the maritime competition in the Indian Ocean region sharper, even though the lead in this direction was taken by the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) a long time ago. Hence, the dominant driver of India’s SSBN plans appears to be China’s expanding inventory of nuclear submarines. The PLAN’s Jin class submarine with the JL-2 missiles with a range of 7,400 km began its deterrent patrol several years ago. Chinese nuclear-powered submarines (reportedly without nuclear weapons on board) have been frequenting the Indian Ocean on anti-piracy missions, creating unease in New Delhi. INS Arihant in that sense is a response to the Chinese naval build-up. Pakistan’s reaction to India’s response to China would be to speed up its submarine-building spree, with assistance from Beijing. Add to this mix China’s mega infrastructure project, the Belt and Road Initiative, with its ambitious maritime objectives; and the revival of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, or Quad, with India, U.S., Japan, and Australia.

This sharpening of the maritime competition further engenders several regional ‘security dilemmas’ wherein what a state does to secure itself could end up making it more insecure. The net result of this would be heightened instability for the foreseeable future. However, once the three key players in this trilemma — China, India and Pakistan — manage to put in place the essential conditions for credible minimum deterrence, the effect of the instability could potentially decrease. But it’s a long road to such an outcome.

What would further complicate the relations among the three key players in the region is the absence of nuclear confidence-building measures (CBMs) among them. While India and Pakistan have only rudimentary nuclear CBMs between them, India and China have none at all. In the maritime sphere, neither pairs have any CBMs. Given the feverish maritime developments that are underway, the absence of CBMs could lead to miscalculations and accidents. This becomes even more pertinent in the case of Pakistan, which uses dual-use platforms for maritime nuclear power projection. In case of a bilateral naval standoff, the absence of dedicated conventional or nuclear platforms could potentially lead to misunderstandings and accidents. It is therefore important for India and Pakistan (as also India and China) to have an ‘incidents at sea’ agreement like the one between the U.S. and USSR in 1972, so as to avoid incidents at sea and avoid their escalation if they took place.


1) claimant

Meaning : a person making a claim, especially in a lawsuit or for a state benefit(n).

Tamil Meaning : உரிமைகோரியவரிடம்

Synonyms : applicant

Antonyms : consultant

Example : “one in four eligible claimants failed to register for a rebate”

2) extraneous

Meaning : irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with(adj)

Tamil Meaning : புறம்பான

Synonyms : irrelevant

Antonyms : appropriate

Example : “one is obliged to wade through many pages of extraneous material”

3) ought

Meaning : used to indicate duty or correctness, typically when criticizing someone’s actions.

Tamil Meaning : வேண்டும்

Synonyms : must

Antonyms : lacked

Example : “they ought to respect the law”

4) deprecated

Meaning : express disapproval of(v).

Tamil Meaning : நீக்கப்பட்டது

Synonyms : condemned

Antonyms : admired

Example : “what I deprecate is persistent indulgence”

5) dispensation

Meaning : exemption from a rule or usual requirement(n).

Tamil Meaning : பகிர்ந்தளிப்பதற்கு

Synonyms : distribution

Antonyms : denial

Example : “although she was too young, she was given special dispensation to play before her birthday”

6) staking

Meaning : mark an area with stakes so as to claim ownership of it(v).

Synonyms : gambling

Example : “the boundary between the two manors was properly staked out”

7) requisite

Meaning : made necessary by particular circumstances or regulations(adj).

Tamil Meaning : தேவையான

Synonyms : essential

Antonyms : weed

Example : “the application will not be processed until the requisite fee is paid”

8) coalition

Meaning : a temporary alliance for combined action, especially of political parties forming a government.

Tamil Meaning : கூட்டணி

Synonyms : league

Antonyms : discord

Example : “a coalition between Liberals and Conservatives”

9) explore

Meaning : travel through (an unfamiliar area) in order to learn about it.

Tamil Meaning : ஆராய

Synonyms : investigate

Antonyms : overlook

Example : “he explored the Fontainebleau forest”

10) parade

Meaning : a public procession, especially one celebrating a special day or event.

Tamil Meaning : அணிவகுப்பு

Synonyms : display

Antonyms : smother

Example : “a St George’s Day parade”

11) scuttle

Meaning : a metal container with a handle, used to fetch and store coal for a domestic fire.

Tamil Meaning : கவிழ்ப்பதுமேயாகும்

Synonyms : dash

Antonyms : dawdle

Example : Scuttle is a free open source software also modeled after

12) cited

Meaning : refer to (a passage, book, or author) as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement, especially in a scholarly work(v).

Tamil Meaning : மேற்கோள்

Synonyms : quoted

Antonyms : concealed

Example : “authors who are highly regarded by their peers tend to be cited”

13) deterrence

Meaning : the action of discouraging an action or event through instilling doubt or fear of the consequences(n).

Tamil Meaning : தடுத்து நிறுத்துவது

Synonyms : prevention

Antonyms : motivator

Example : “nuclear missiles remain the main deterrence against possible aggression”

14) triad

Meaning : a group or set of three related people or things.

Tamil Meaning : மூன்றையும்

Synonyms : trio

Example : “the triad of medication, diet, and exercise are necessary in diabetes care”

15) adversaries

Meaning : one’s opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute(n).

Tamil Meaning : எதிரிகளை

Synonyms : opponents

Antonyms : allies

Example : “Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-finals”

16) nevertheless

Meaning : in spite of that; notwithstanding; all the same.

Tamil Meaning : இருப்பினும்

Synonyms : nonetheless

Example : “statements which, although literally true, are nevertheless misleading”

17) implications

Meaning : the conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated(n)

Tamil Meaning : தாக்கங்கள்

Synonyms : hints

Example : “the implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible”

18) intended

Meaning : planned or meant(adj).

Tamil Meaning : நோக்கம்

Synonyms : deliberate

Antonyms : accidental

Example : “the intended victim escaped”

19) devoid

Meaning : entirely lacking or free from(adj).

Tamil Meaning : ஏதுமில்லாத

Synonyms : vacant

Antonyms : complete

Example : “Lisa kept her voice devoid of emotion”

20) indeed

Meaning : used to emphasize a statement or response confirming something already suggested(adv).

Tamil Meaning : உண்மையில்

Synonyms : truly

Antonyms : conversely

Example : “it was not expected to last long, and indeed it took less than three weeks”

21) seamless

Meaning : (of a fabric or surface) smooth and without seams or obvious joins.

Tamil Meaning : இசைவான

Synonyms : persistent

Antonyms : flawed

Example : “seamless stockings”

22) ancillary

Meaning : providing necessary support to the primary activities or operation of an organization, system, etc.

Tamil Meaning : துணை

Synonyms : auxiliary

Antonyms : necessary

Example : “ancillary staff”

23) reliance

Meaning : dependence on or trust in someone or something(n).

Tamil Meaning : நம்பிக்கை

Synonyms : conviction

Antonyms : disbelief

Example : “the farmer’s reliance on pesticides”

24) riddled

Meaning : solve or explain (a riddle) to (someone).

Tamil Meaning : புதிர்

Synonyms : sieved

Antonyms : empty

Example : “riddle me this then”

25) posture

Meaning : the position in which someone holds their body when standing or sitting.

Tamil Meaning : காட்டி

Synonyms : position

Antonyms : withhold

Example : “I got out of the car in an alert posture”