Topic Of The Day:-“Ways to tackle intolerance”

Our task of ensuring human rights in India is, however, made no more easy after rejecting the potential of civilisational values and of the instrumentality of economic growth combined with constitutional morality in achieving such a state. While “constitutional morality”, a term used by Ambedkar to appropriately reject any role for “societal morality” in the Republic, is of course a useful guide to the courts when it comes to adjudicating between individuals, it is by itself helpless in preventing acts of violence. The efficacy of constitutional provisions is entirely dependent on the government machinery entrusted to our elected representatives. An effective protection of individuals, in this case women and minorities, from acts of violence requires the power of the state to weigh in on their side. In too many cases of violence against women, Muslims and Dalits, the Indian state is distinguished by its absence. In a recent paper Canada-based economist Mukesh Eswaran demonstrated that it is possible to understand “9/11” and home-grown terrorism in western Europe as a response to the historical wrongs inflicted on Muslim societies by Western powers, notably the invasion of Iraq. This is a useful corrective to the collective gasp of incredulity let out by Western elites when addressing the violence unleashed against them by Islamic groups. Transferring Eswaran’s reasoning to the Indian context, one might argue that India should contain violence against its Muslims to ensure the safety of Hindus. But such crass instrumentalism would be unworthy of a great civilisation. We want to ensure the flourishing of all the peoples of India not out of self-preservation but because we want to be civilised. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, anyone?


1) Brutally

Meaning: In a savagely violent way.

Example: He was imprisoned and brutally tortured.

2) Alleged

Meaning: Said, without proof, to have taken place or to have a specified illegal or undesirable quality.

Example: The alleged conspirators.

3) Cling

Meaning: Hold on tightly to.

Example: She clung to Joe’s arm.

Synonyms: Clutch, Grip

4) Assailant

Meaning: A person who physically attacks another.

Example: The police have no firm leads about the identity of his assailant.

Synonyms: Attacker, Mugger

5) Fora

Meaning: A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

Example: We hope these pages act as a forum for debate.

Synonyms: Meeting, Assembly

6) Endorsed

Meaning: Recommend (a product) in an advertisement.

Example: He earns more money endorsing sports clothes than playing football.

Synonyms: Support, Back

Antonyms: Oppose

7) Unfurled

Meaning: Make or become spread out from a rolled or folded state, especially in order to be open to the wind.

Example: A man was unfurling a sail.

8) Noteworthy

Meaning: Worth paying attention to; interesting or significant.

Example: Noteworthy features.

Synonyms: Notable, Significant

Antonyms: Boring, Ordinary

9) Affirmed

Meaning: State emphatically or publicly.

Example: He affirmed the country’s commitment to peace.

Synonyms: Declare, State

Antonyms: Deny

10) Emphasising

Meaning: Give special importance or value to (something) in speaking or writing.

Example: They emphasize the need for daily, one-to-one contact between parent and child.

Synonyms: Highlight, Spotlight

Antonyms: Understate

11) Ensure

Meaning: Make certain of obtaining or providing (something).

Example: Legislation to ensure equal opportunities for all.

Synonyms: Safeguard, Protect

12) Chanted

Meaning: Say or shout repeatedly in a sing-song tone.

Example: Protesters were chanting slogans.

Synonyms: Shout, Sing

13) Enshrined

Meaning: Preserve (a right, tradition, or idea) in a form that ensures it will be protected and respected.

Example: The right of all workers to strike was enshrined in the new constitution.

Synonyms: Embody, Express

14) Struggled

Meaning: Make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or constriction.

Example: Before she could struggle, he lifted her up.

Synonyms: Fight, Grapple

15) Accord

Meaning: Give or grant someone (power, status, or recognition).

Example: The powers accorded to the head of state.

Synonyms: Give, Grant

Antonyms: Without, Remove