Topic Of The Day:-“Tokenism In Reactions

Saudi Arabia is defiant. It has warned all those who may be thinking of isolating or even moving sanctions against the regime with dire consequences. Some token action is being taken by some western governments such as demanding a thorough, impartial inquiry into the incident. The chief of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, has cancelled her participation at the ‘Davos in the Desert’ Conference, in Riyadh. Significantly, the U.S. Treasury Secretary has joined the boycott. The outrage is universal in the developed world, though the developing countries seem to have decided their own counsel. The Bretton Woods institutions will still need Saudi funding.

This writer has long and firmly believed that foreign policy is all about promoting national interest and that sentiment should have no place in it. This continues to be his conviction. U.S. President Donald Trump follows this principle quite ruthlessly. He is open about it, and not at all hypocritical. He is unabashed in proclaiming that hundreds of billions worth of arms sales are on the line and that he is not prepared to put them in jeopardy.

For all we know, the complicity of the highest levels of the Saudi monarchy may never be fully established; already fall guys are being projected which will give Mr. Trump the fig leaf to continue his cozy relationship with the regime. It remains to be seen if the noises made by some U.S. Senators about imposing sanctions or blocking the arms sales amount to any meaningful action.

It is the same principle of national interest that has inhibited us from confronting the Saudis as well as the Iranians about their open, unchecked support, financial and otherwise, by funding radical Sunni and Shia mosques in India. This is reported to have been going on for decades, perhaps before Independence. Yet, successive governments have not found it possible to protest such behaviour which amounts to direct interference in India’s internal affairs and in radicalising sections of the Muslim community. It was felt that India’s national interest, India’s dependence on West Asian energy sources and anxiety not to upset them too much lest they voted against us in meetings of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, or side with Pakistan on the Kashmir issue, is what made us cautious.


1) reaffirmed

Meaning : state again strongly.

Tamil Meaning : மீண்டும் உறுதிப்படுத்து

Synonyms : continue , prolong

Antonyms : destroy

Example : “the prime minister reaffirmed his commitment to the agreement”

2) regimes

Meaning : a government, especially an authoritarian one.

Tamil Meaning : ஆட்சிகள்

Synonyms : establishment , government

Antonyms : disorder

Example : “ideological opponents of the regime”

3) defiance

Meaning : open resistance; bold disobedience.

Tamil Meaning : எதிர்ப்புத் தெரிவித்தல்

Synonyms : contempt , opposition

Antonyms : calm

Example : “an act of defiance”

4) ruthlessness

Meaning : the quality of lacking pity or compassion for others.

Tamil Meaning : இரக்கமற்ற தன்மை

Synonyms : atrocity , brutality

Antonyms : kindness

Example : “the real-world ruthlessness of business”

5) dissident

Meaning : a person who opposes official policy, especially that of an authoritarian state.

Tamil Meaning : கருத்து வேறுபாடு கொண்ட

Synonyms : discordant, dissenting

Antonyms : conforming

Example : “a dissident who had been jailed by a military regime”

6) heretical

Meaning : believing in or practising religious heresy.

Tamil Meaning : பேதம்

Synonyms : agnostic , atheistic

Antonyms : orthodox

Example : “heretical beliefs”

7) unambiguous

Meaning : not open to more than one interpretation.

Tamil Meaning : குழப்பமற்ற

Synonyms : explicit , obvious

Antonyms : indefinite

Example : “instructions should be unambiguous”

8) dissent

Meaning : the holding or expression of opinions at variance with those commonly or officially held.

Tamil Meaning : எதிர்ப்பை

Synonyms : discord , disunity

Antonyms : agreement

Example : “there was no dissent from this view”

9) dire

Meaning : extremely serious or urgent.

Tamil Meaning : கொடிய

Synonyms : acute , critical

Antonyms : calm

Example : “misuse of drugs can have dire consequences”

10) boycott

Meaning : withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest.

Tamil Meaning : புறக்கணிப்பு

Synonyms : avoid , spurn

Antonyms : accept

Example : “we will boycott all banks which take part in the loans scheme”

11) outrage

Meaning : an extremely strong reaction of anger, shock, or indignation.

Tamil Meaning : கோபத்தை

Synonyms : shock , violence

Antonyms : benefit

Example : “her voice trembled with outrage”

12) conviction

Meaning : a formal declaration by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law that someone is guilty of a criminal offence.

Tamil Meaning : தண்டனை

Synonyms : faith , view

Antonyms : doubt

Example : “she had a previous conviction for a similar offence”

13) ruthlessly

Meaning : without pity or compassion for others.

Tamil Meaning : இரக்கமற்ற

Synonyms : barbarous , callous

Antonyms : calm

Example : “they fell prey to money lenders who ruthlessly exploited them”

14) unabashed

Meaning : not embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed.

Tamil Meaning : வெட்கமற்ற

Synonyms : blatant , bold

Antonyms : timid

Example : “he was unabashed by the furore his words provoked”

15) jeopardy

Meaning : danger of loss, harm, or failure.

Tamil Meaning :

Synonyms : peril , hazard

Antonyms : safety

Example : “the whole peace process is in jeopardy

16) stalemate

Meaning : a position counting as a draw, in which a player is not in check but cannot move except into check.

Tamil Meaning : இக்கட்டான நிலை

Synonyms : delay , impasse

Antonyms : advance

Example : “last time I played him it ended up in stalemate”

17) inhibited

Meaning : unable to act in a relaxed and natural way because of self-consciousness or mental restraint.

Tamil Meaning : தடுக்கப்படுவதாக

Synonyms : frustrated , guarded

Antonyms : extroverted

Example : “I could never appear nude, I’m far too inhibited”

18) confronting

Meaning : face up to and deal with (a problem or difficulty).

Tamil Meaning : எதிர்கொள்ளும்

Synonyms : accost , defy

Antonyms : dodge

Example : “we knew we couldn’t ignore the race issue and decided we’d confront it head on”

19) radicalising

Meaning : cause (someone) to adopt radical positions on political or social issues.

Tamil Meaning : தீவிர

Synonyms : extremism zealotry

Antonyms : conservatism

Example : “some of those involved had been radicalized by the Vietnam War”

20) disastrous

Meaning : causing great damage.

Tamil Meaning : பேரழிவு

Synonyms : adverse, calamitous

Antonyms : assisting

Example : “a disastrous fire swept through the museum”