Topic of the day:-“Remaining Engaged”

Mr. Ghani launched the Kabul Process for Peace and Security Cooperation, and in February, made an unconditional dialogue offer to the Taliban. The Taliban rejected his overture, declaring that they were ready to engage in direct talks only with the Americans. Mr. Ghani persisted, resulting in a three-day ceasefire during Eid. The U.S. softened its stand on an “Afghan-led and Afghan owned peace process”, and in July, senior State Department official Alice Wells was in Doha for a meeting with the Taliban. In September, the State Department announced the appointment of Zalmay Khalilzad (former U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan) as Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation. Mr. Khalilzad, a pushy go-getter, has since been making the rounds in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the U.A.E., Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, the situation continues to worsen. Today, the Afghan government controls barely half the country, with one-sixth under Taliban control and the rest contested. Most significant is the ongoing depletion in the Afghan security forces because of casualties, desertions and a growing reluctance to join. U.S. President Donald Trump’s South Asia policy announced last August aimed at breaking the military stalemate by expanding the U.S. and NATO presence, putting Pakistan on notice and strengthening Afghan capabilities has clearly failed, and this is why multiple processes are underway. Everyone agrees that the war has to end; the question for the U.S. is how to manage the optics of the exit while not conceding victory to the Taliban.

Since July 2011, when the former President and Chair of the HPC, Burhanuddin Rabbani, visited Delhi, India has supported an ‘Afghan-led and Afghan-owned’ peace process. Last month, during Russian President Vladimir Putin’s India visit, both countries expressed their commitment to the Moscow Format. India doesn’t have the leverage to play spoiler but its presence is recognition that its economic cooperation programmes make it the most widely accepted development partner. Pragmatism dictates that India remain engaged with the multiple processes underway. Peace remains elusive but India’s engagement demonstrates commitment to the idea of a stable, independent and peaceful Afghanistan.


1) bearing

Meaning : a person’s way of standing or moving(n.)

Tamil Meaning : தாங்கி

Synonyms : demeanor

Example : “a man of precise military bearing”

2) manoeuvred

Meaning : move skilfully or carefully(v).

Tamil Meaning : மாற்றம்

Synonyms : stratagem

Antonyms : tautness

Example : “the lorry was unable to manoeuvre comfortably in the narrow street”

3) module

Meaning : a detachable self-contained unit of a spacecraft.

Tamil Meaning : தொகுதி

Synonyms : Unit

Antonyms : aggregate

Example : “Spacelab, an extra module for the shuttle, will quadruple the experimental facilities on board”

4) regime

Meaning : a government, especially an authoritarian one(n).

Tamil Meaning : ஆட்சி

Synonyms : rule

Antonyms : chaos

Example : “ideological opponents of the regime”

5) propellant

Meaning : capable of propelling something.

Tamil Meaning : ஓட்டு

Synonyms : stimulus

Antonyms : undynamic

Example : “propellant gases”

6) cryogenic

Meaning : relating to or involving the branch of physics that deals with the production and effects of very low temperatures.(adj)

Tamil Meaning : தாழ்

Synonyms : refrigerant

Antonyms : burned

Example : “a powerful cryogenic engine”

7) morale

Meaning : the confidence, enthusiasm, and discipline of a person or group at a particular time.(n)

Tamil Meaning : மன உறுதியை

Synonyms : spirit

Antonyms : aimlessness

Example : “the team’s morale was high”

8) dented

Meaning : have an adverse effect on; diminish(v)

Synonyms : indented

Antonyms : increased

Example : “this neither deterred him nor dented his enthusiasm”

9) nudge

Meaning : prod (someone) gently with one’s elbow in order to attract attention.

Tamil Meaning : தூண்டல்

Synonyms : push

Antonyms : dissuade

Example : “people were nudging each other and pointing at me”

10) reconciliation

Meaning : the restoration of friendly relations(n).

Tamil Meaning : சமரசம்

Synonyms : compromise

Antonyms : conflict

Example : “his reconciliation with your uncle”

11) diplomatic

Meaning : of or concerning diplomacy(adj).

Tamil Meaning : தூதரக

Synonyms : politic

Antonyms : rude

Example : “diplomatic relations with Britain were broken”

12) refrained

Meaning : stop oneself from doing something(v).

Tamil Meaning : தவிர்த்து

Synonyms : stopped

Antonyms : acted

Example : “she refrained from comment”

13) insurgency

Meaning : an active revolt or uprising(n).

Tamil Meaning : கிளர்ச்சி

Synonyms : rebellion

Antonyms : compliance

Example : “rebels are waging an armed insurgency to topple the monarchy”

14) opium

Meaning : a reddish-brown heavy-scented addictive drug prepared from the juice of the opium poppy, used illicitly as a narcotic and occasionally in medicine as an analgesic.

Synonyms : morphine

Example : “he was addicted to opium”

15) persuade

Meaning : induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.

Tamil Meaning : இணங்க

Synonyms : convince

Antonyms : dissuade

Example : “it wasn’t easy, but I persuaded him to do the right thing”

16) surge

Meaning : a sudden powerful forward or upward movement, especially by a crowd or by a natural force such as the tide.

Tamil Meaning : எழுச்சி

Synonyms : rise

Antonyms : decline

Example : “flooding caused by tidal surges”

17) combat

Meaning : fighting between armed forces.

Tamil Meaning : போர்

Synonyms : battle

Antonyms : peace

Example : “five Hurricanes were shot down in combat”

18) prolonged

Meaning : continuing for a long time or longer than usual; lengthy.

Tamil Meaning : நீண்ட

Synonyms : extended

Antonyms : short

Example : “the region suffered a prolonged drought”

19) negotiations

Meaning : discussion aimed at reaching an agreement.

Tamil Meaning : பேச்சுவார்த்தைகள்

Synonyms : discussions

Antonyms : provocations

Example : “a worldwide ban is currently under negotiation

20) contested

Meaning : engage in competition to attain (a position of power)(v).

Tamil Meaning : போட்டியிட்ட

Synonyms : disputed

Antonyms : opted

Example : “she declared her intention to contest the presidency”