TOPIC – Silver win


Enmeshed (adjective) – Caught as if in a mesh

Synonyms – Ensnared, embroiled, corkscrewed, interlaced, tangled

Antonyms – Autarkic, befuddled, bemused, emancipated, extrinsic


Glistening (adjective) – Reflecting light

Synonyms – Sheeny, burnished, scintillating, coruscating, lambent

Antonyms – Dreary, matte, dismal, etiolated, sombre


Aberration (noun) – A disorder in one’s mental state

Synonyms – Anomaly, oddity, deviance, aberrance, hallucination

Antonyms – Middling, accord, accumulation, virgin ears, criterion


Streaks (noun) – An unbroken series of events

Synonyms – Smears, striations, flecks, smudge, daub

Antonyms – Plethora of, scads of, significant portion, broad assortment,


Prodigal (adjective) – Recklessly wasteful

Synonyms – Wastrel, squandering, bounteous, exuberant, munificent

Antonyms – Niggardly, prudent, chintzy, scrimping, abstemious


Dissipate (verb) – Move away from each other

Synonyms – Dispel, fritter, lavish, deplete, splurge

Antonyms – Garner, amass, aggregate, assemble, hoard


Predates (verb) – Be earlier in time

Synonyms – Antedate, precede, outran, devours, gulps

Antonyms – Dates back, follow, antedates, post-date


Aesthetic (noun) – A philosophical theory as to what is beautiful

Synonyms – Elegant, exquisite, splendid, ravishing, bootylicious

Antonyms – Grotesque, repulsive, fugly, huckery, hideous


Esoteric (adjective) – Marked by secrecy or privacy

Synonyms – Abstruse, arcane, recondite, cryptic, enigmatic

Antonyms – Facile, fathomable, stereotype, apprehensible, blazed


Adroitly (adverb) – In a clever or skillful way

Synonyms – Deftly, dexterously, adeptly, nimbly, shrewdly

Antonyms – Grimly, clumsily, ineptly, amateurishly, gawkily


Phlegmatic (adjective) – Showing little emotion

Synonyms – Stolid, serene, nonchalant, indolent, unruffled

Antonyms – Fervent, vehement, ardent, agitated, fervid