Services lift Santosh Trophy



1.Prime Minister’s message on Earth Day:- 

The following is the text of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s message on Earth Day:On Earth Day, today we bow our heads in honor of Mother Earth. There are unique diversity on this great planet for centuries. Today, we repeat our commitment to the good of our earth, focus on sustainable development and insist on reducing climate change. ”Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22.

2.Olive Ridley hatchlings begin a new journey from Gahirmatha coast:-

Millions of baby Olive Ridley turtles have started emerging from the pits at Gahirmatha beach in Kendrapara district.This Sanctuary is known as the World’s largest nesting ground for these endangered species.Around 4.50 lakh turtles had congregated at the beach for nesting in March.Every year, the female Olive Ridley turtles come ashore, dig a nest and lay about 100 eggs.After this, they conceal the nests before returning to the sea.The eggs incubate in the warm sand and after 40 to 45 days, two-inch baby turtles hatch.

3.SpiceJet, Emirates sign MoU for codeshare partnership:-

Budget carrier Spicejet announced the signing of an initial pact for codeshare partnership with Gulf carrier Emirates.The reciprocal partnership will allow the opening of new routes and destinations for passengers of the two airlines.SpiceJet passengers from 51 domestic destinations will be able to access Emirates’ network across the US, Europe, Africa and the Middle East.Code-sharing allows an airline to book its passengers on its partner carriers and provide seamless travel to destinations where it has no presence.

  • Spice Jet Headquarters: Gurugram
  • CEO: Ajay Singh

4.Soon, more than one lakh crore rupees will be deposited in Jan Dhan Accounts:-

The amount deposited in the accounts opened under the Prime Minister Jan Dhan Yojna will soon exceed the figure of one lakh crore rupees. According to official statistics, 97,665.66 crore rupees had been deposited in Jan Dhan accounts till April 3. The Prime Minister Jan Dhan Yojana was launched on August 28, 2014. Its aim was to ensure at least one bank account in all the households across the country. According to the latest figures, the number of its account holders has crossed 35.39 crore. Out of these 27.89 crore account holders have also been issued Rupee Debit Card. Considering its success, the government had increased the amount of accident insurance from Rs one lakh to two lakh rupees under these accounts. Overdraft limit also doubled to Rs. 10,000. More than 50 percent of the people holding public money accounts are women While about 59 percent of the accounts have been opened in rural and semi-urban areas. The objective of Pradhan Mantri Janhana Yojna is to ensure access to various financial services of the people such as availability of basic savings bank account, easy access to the necessary debt, facility of remittance, the provision of insurance and pension for the underprivileged sections and low income groups. .


5.India and US Navy did anti-submarine maneuvers:-

India and US Navy have joint exercises in the Indian Ocean. This anti-submarine maneuvers between the two countries were organized in the wake of China’s growing activism in the Hind-Pacific region. Apart from missile destroyer US warship USS Spurus, P-8 anti-submarine fighters from India and America also participated in this exercise. Giving this information, the seventh naval fleet of the US Navy located in Diego Garcia said that this maneuver included the P8I Neptune fighter aircraft of India. USS Spruce Commander Matthew Schmidt said, “We were very impressed by the professional methods and capabilities of the Indian team.” Actually, India and America are doing joint exercises since 1992. Japan was also involved in 2015.

6.Comedian Voldimayer Jelensky wins massive victory in the presidential election in Ukraine:-

The Comedian Volodymyr Jelenński, who has no political experience in the elections held for the presidential election in Ukraine, is seeing a huge victory. However, official results have not been announced yet, but the result of the exit polls has caused a stir in political parties. In the various exit polls, the Comedian Volodymyra Jelenskiy is expected to get 73 percent of the vote. Mr. Jelensky has no political experience other than playing the role of president on television. Existing President Petro Poroshenko is also not seen in the battle. They seem to get lost in every sphere of the country. Poroshenko’s condition is also thin in the western part of the country, which has been considered as his stronghold. The initial results of the presidential election are yet to come, but the results of the first phase elections were the same, as shown in the exit poll.


7.Dutty Chand broke his national record on the first day of the Asian Athletics Championship:-

Duti Chand broke his record in the 400 meter race of women on the first day of the Asian Athletics Championship. Twenty-two year old duet took 11.28 seconds and won the Chathi Heat in women’s 100 meter race. He broke his own national record of 11.29 seconds, which was made in Guwahati last year. However, the qualification mark of the World Championship could not touch 11.24 seconds.

 8.Services lift Santosh Trophy:-

In Football, the Services lifted the Santosh Trophy, beating Punjab 1-0l in the final at Ludhiana.In the first half, both the teams were goal-less. In the second half, Services scored the lone goal and held on till the final whistle.The only goal in the match was scored by Bikash Thapa in the 61st-minute.

Santosh Trophy Most successful team: West Bengal (32 titles)