1. India has slipped six places to the number one position in the new World Talent Ranking of IMD?
a. 55th
b. 49th
c. 59th
d. 69th

Switzerland ranks first in this list of 63 countries out of 59th . This ranking is based on performance in three major categories. It has investment and development, its appeal and readiness among the people. China (42nd), Russia (47th) and South Africa (50th) are in the list.

2. Recently the first National Agricultural Chemistry Conference was organized in which of the following cities?
a. New Delhi
b. Hyderabad
c. Chennai
d. Bhubaneswar

ANSWER: a. The
first National Agrochemicals Conference was held in New Delhi from 13 November to 16 November 2019. This was the first National Agrochemicals Conference, now it will be held every three years. The conference has been organized keeping in mind the role of chemical pesticides in pesticide management. The benefits of pesticide use are greater than their risks.

3 . Which international organization has offered Pakistan to provide technical assistance to implement the FATF action plan?
a. UN
c. WWF
d. EU

ANSWER:  d. The EU
European Union (EU) has offered to provide technical assistance to Pakistan to implement the Financial Action Task Force ie FATF action plan. The FATF, which monitors global terrorist financial transactions, has kept Pakistan in the ‘gray’ list i.e. the monitoring list only till February next year. Pakistan will submit its next report to the FATF’s regional unit Asia-Pacific Group (APG) by 7 December.

4. Which of the following countries has introduced new typhoid vaccine under regular vaccination program?
a. India
b. Pakistan
c. Sri Lanka
d. Myanmar

ANSWER: b. Pakistan
Pakistan has become the first country in the world to include typhoid vaccine recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) in its regular vaccination program. It is the first typhoid vaccine to be given to children as young as 6 months of age and provides long-term protection from typhoid. In Pakistan in 2017, 70% of typhoid deaths were from children under 15 years of age.

5. What is the deadline set by the Government of India to install all vehicles on FASTag?
a. 25 November
b. 1 December
c. 15 December
d. 20 December

ANSWER: b. 01 December
The Government of India has ordered all lanes of toll plazas on national highways to be declared as ‘fastag lanes’ from 01 December 2019 to encourage digital payments and increase transparency.