Talent Hunt Answers 30/04/2018


1.What is the theme of the 2018 World Haemophilia Day (WHD)?

[A] Listen Carefully Their Voices

[B] Together We Care

[C] Hear Their Voices

[D] Sharing Knowledge Makes Us Stronger

Correct Answer: D [Sharing Knowledge Makes Us Stronger]


2.Which of the following have won the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service?

[A] The New York Times and The New Yorker

[B] Washington Post and The Financial Express

[C] The Financial Express and The Washington Post

[D] The Guardian and The New York Times

Correct Answer: A [The New York Times and The New Yorker]


3.Which country hosted the India-Wiesbaden Conference 2018?

[A] Jordon

[B] India

[C] Sweden

[D] Brazil

Correct Answer: B [India]


4.The Government of India (GoI) has signed how much amount of loan agreement with World Bank (WB) to revitalize natural resources in Meghalaya?

[A] $55 million

[B] $66 million

[C] $48 million

[D] $63 million

Correct Answer: C [$48 million ]


5.Which country is hosting the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM 2018)?

[A] India

[B] United Kingdom

[C] Denmark

[D] Australia

Correct Answer: B [United Kingdom]