1. CURTAIL (VERB): Reduce in extent

Synonyms: diminish, abbreviate

Antonyms: amplify, extend

Example Sentence: The economic crises will force to curtail shopping this year.


  1. DEPICTION (NOUN): The action of drawing something

Synonyms: illustration, sketch

Antonyms: misstate, falsify

Example Sentence: In your poem, you should use words to depict the beauty of the place.


  1. SUBDUE (VERB): To overcome

Synonyms: conquer, extinguish

Antonyms: aggravate, rouse

Example Sentence: The criminal was subdued by the forces at the railway station.


  1. REMUNERATION (NOUN): Money paid for work or service

Synonyms: compensation, reimbursement

Antonyms: non-payment, penalization

Example Sentence: This job provides a handsome remuneration package against 8 hours working.


  1. HAUL (VERB): To pull or drag with force

Synonyms: harvest, booty

Antonyms: loss, push

Example Sentence: It took 4 hours to haul the fallen tree.


  1. REPLICATE (VERB): To make an exact copy

Synonyms: duplicate, simulate

Antonyms: repulse, reject

Example Sentence: He could replicate anything after only one exposure.


  1. FRAY (NOUN): A fight or battle

Synonyms: melee, clash

Antonyms: peace, harmony

Example Sentence: We should never let ourselves in an unnecessary fray.


  1. PRISTINE (ADJECTIVE): In its original condition

Synonyms: intact, sterile

Antonyms: affected, dirty

Example Sentence: My car is completely pristine.


  1. CAPRICE (NOUN): A sudden change of mood or behaviour

Synonyms: freak, jerk

Antonyms: constant, normality

Example Sentence: The introduction of new law is completely a caprice of the government.


  1. ANCILLARY (ADJECTIVE): To provide necessary support

Synonyms: subsidiary, accessory

Antonyms: primary, crucial

Example Sentence: We should lay off our ancillary expenses in the time of economic crisis.