1.  HYPOCRITE (NOUN): person who pretends, is deceitful

Synonyms: charlatan, trickster    

Antonyms: true, genuine

Example Sentence: His friend wrongly said that he was a hypocrite.


  1. HEARSAY (NOUN): unsubstantiated information

Synonyms: rumors, grapevine        

Antonyms: reality, truth

Example Sentence: One should not believe in hearsay.


  1. TEEM (VERB): Overflow

Synonyms: overrun, full                      

Antonyms: lack, need

Example Sentence: The sagas teem with references to the inhabitants.


  1. VARNISH (VERB): add a layer to; embellish

Synonyms: lacquer, cover              

Antonyms: uncover, reveal

Example Sentence: The painter varnished the doors.


  1. COY (ADJECTIVE): bashful

Synonyms: skittish, timid                       

Antonyms: aggressive, forward

Example Sentence: Saloni gave him a coy smile.


  1.  SMEAR (VERB): To make something blurred

Synonyms: smudge, stained                     

Antonyms: clean, purify

Example Sentence: She brushed against the newly painted notice and smeared the lettering.


  1. JINX (NOUN): Curse

Synonyms: enchantment, spell                  

Antonyms: boon, benefit

Example Sentence: Superstitious persons consider number thirteen a jinx.


  1.  MELEE (NOUN): stampede

Synonyms: battle, fight                                 

Antonyms: calm, harmony

Example Sentence: In the Kumbh fair many pilgrims were injured in the melee.


  1. CASTIGATE (VERB): condemn

Synonyms: denounce, vilify                          

Antonyms: applaud, laud

Example Sentence: Nuclear explosions must be castigated by the world powers.


  1. DECRY (VERB): criticize

Synonyms: blame, derogate                        

Antonyms: approve, praise

Example Sentence: The foreign policy of the party has always been decried.