- HUBBUB (NOUN): fracas
Synonyms: commotion, brawl
Antonyms: calm, peace
Example Sentence:The hubbub from the group of reporters gave the politician a headache.
- SHODDY (ADJECTIVE): inferior
Synonyms: in bad shape, shabby
Antonyms: good, noble
Example Sentence:Because of shoddy accounting practices, our firm is being audited.
- SLEAZY (ADJECTIVE): disreputable
Synonyms: sordid, tacky
Antonyms: reputable, respectable
Example Sentence:She was raising sleazy topics again and again.
- SPURT (NOUN): commotion
Synonyms: eruption, explosion
Antonyms: peace, continuity
Example Sentence:With a spurt of energy, Ammy was able to cross over the finish line.
- SPREE (NOUN): binge
Synonyms: wild activity, bash
Antonyms: care, thriftiness
Example Sentence:The alcoholic consumed two gallons of whiskey during his last drinking spree.
- SOJOURN (VERB): visit
Synonyms: stopover, reside
Antonyms: leave, depart
Example Sentence: She had sojourned once in France.
- SQUALL (NOUN): disturbance
Synonyms: trouble, flurry
Antonyms: calm, quiet
Example Sentence:I left the house because the squall of our new born baby was grating on my nerves.
- SUNDRY (ADJECTIVE): miscellaneous
Synonyms: assorted, various
Antonyms: singular, individual
Example Sentence:My grandmother decided to open a sundry store where people could buy an assortment of goods.
- SAVANT (NOUN): scholar
Synonyms: academic, egghead
Antonyms: amateur, ignoramus
Example Sentence:The seven-year-old savant is a gifted pianist.
- RECEDE (VERB): withdraw
Synonyms: retreat, fall back
Antonyms: enhance, increase
Example Sentence:When the storm quiets, the waters will recede from the beach.