1. QUAFF (VERB): drink down

Synonyms: gulp, sip                   

Antonyms: eject, out

Example Sentence: Raju always has to quaff a pot of coffee before leaving for work.


  1. PRY (VERB): interfere in someone else’s business

Synonyms: poke, bug                        

Antonyms: ignore, neglect

Example Sentence: Her reputation was that she liked to pry into people’s private lives.  


  1. PODGY (ADJECTIVE): slightly fat

Synonyms: chunky, flabby                    

Antonyms: lean, skinny

Example Sentence: When I stopped jogging, I became podgy.


  1. POMPOUS (ADJECTIVE): arrogant, egotistic

Synonyms: boastful, selfish         

Antonyms: humble, kind

Example Sentence: Because the movie star was pompous, she spent most of her time looking into the mirror.


  1. POTPOURRI (NOUN): miscellany

Synonyms: assortment, blend                   

Antonyms: separation, singularity

Example Sentence: New York City is a potpourri of various nationalities and religions.


  1. BANTER (NOUN): teasing

Synonyms: chitchat, gossip                 

Antonyms: flattery, praise

Example Sentence: If the banter between the award presenters is not exciting, no one will watch the show.


  1. YEOMAN (NOUN): worker

Synonyms: assistant, attendant                    

Antonyms: boss, manager

Example Sentence: The yeoman was plowing the field on his master’s land.


  1. YORE (NOUN): time gone by

Synonyms: history, antiquity          

Antonyms: future, present

Example Sentence: In the days of yore, the Internet did not exist.


  1. VAGUE (ADJECTIVE): not definite or clear

Synonyms: ambiguous, dubious                      

Antonyms: apparent, certain

Example Sentence: He rolled his eyes at the vague response.


  1. TRAUMA (NOUN): severe mental or physical pain

Synonyms: agony, anguish        

Antonyms: benefit, blessing

Example Sentence: The accident victim sustained multiple traumas.