1. GUFFAW (NOUN): (खिलखिलाकर हंसना) Burst of laughter

Synonyms: howling, pillage  

Antonyms: moan, sob

Example Sentence: He burst into a loud guffaw.


  1. RIDICULE (NOUN): (उपहास) travesty

Synonyms: satire, mockery

Antonyms: seriousness, solemnity

Example sentence: Ravi is held up as an object of ridicule.


  1. SUCCOUR (NOUN): (परेशानी में सहायता) assistance

Synonyms: help, aid

Antonyms: hindrance, obstruction.

Example Sentence: My younger sister is never hesitant to offer succour to anyone who needs it.


  1. COWER (VERB):  to draw back and crouch in fear

Synonyms: cringe, crouch

Antonyms:  face, meet

Example Sentence: He was cowering away from the fierce dog.


  1. COY (ADJECTIVE): (संकोची) very modest

Synonyms: bashful, evasive

Antonyms: immodest, unshy      

Example Sentence: She gave her brother’s friend a coy smile.


  1. CRAMP (NOUN): (ऐंठन) stiffness

Synonyms: pain, ache

Antonyms: comfort, ease

Example Sentence: She started getting stomach cramps this morning.


  1. CRASS (ADJECTIVE): (बेवकूफ) not intelligent; irresponsible

Synonyms: stupid, gross

Antonyms: sharp, smart

Example Sentence: They have behaved with crass insensitivity.


  1. ROBUST (ADJECTIVE): (मजबूत) hearty

Synonyms: healthy, sturdy

Antonyms: fragile, incapable

Example Sentence: He is an intelligent and a robust child.


  1. UNDERGIRD (VERB): (सुदृढ बनाना) bolster

Synonyms: reinforce, uphold

Antonyms: undermine, weaken

Example Sentence:  The Architect used iron rods to undergird the bridge.


  1. OPT (VERB): (चुनाव करना) choose

Synonyms: elect, go for

Antonyms: dislike, hate

Example Sentence:  I opt him to be my friend.