1.Which of the following straits is located on the extreme southern tip of South America partly in Chile and partly in Argentina?

[A] Dover Strait 
[B] Beagle Strait 
[C] Hudson Strait 
[D] Kara Strait

Correct Answer: B [ Beagle Strait ]


2.The Buran wind blows across:

[A] Eastern Asia 
[B] Western Europe 
[C] Southern Africa 
[D] Eastern Australia

Correct Answer: A [ Eastern Asia ]


3.The Puna grassland ecoregion is found in which of the following continents?

[A] Asia 
[B] Africa 
[C] North America 
[D] South America

Correct Answer: D [ South America ]


4.Dasht-e Margo, also known as “Desert of Death”, is located in which country?

[A] Kazakhstan 
[B] Saudi Arabia 
[C] Afghanistan 
[D] China

Correct Answer: C [ Afghanistan ]


5.Lake Winnipeg is located in which of the following countries?

[A] Brazil 
[B] Canada 
[C] Russia 
[D] Japan

Correct Answer: B [ Canada ]


6.Which of the following is not a land locked country of Europe?

[A] Hungary 
[B] Kosovo 
[C] Czech Republic 
[D] Spain

Correct Answer: D [ Spain ]


7.Lake Titicaca, a large deep lake in South America, is located on the border of which two countries?

[A] Argentina and Bolivia 
[B] Bolivia and Peru 
[C] Peru and Uruguay 
[D] Uruguay and Paraguay

Correct Answer: B [ Bolivia and Peru ]


8.The Katanga plateau in Africa is known for rich deposits of:

[A] Copper and Uranium 
[B] Uranium and Zinc 
[C] Zinc and Bauxite 
[D] Bauxite and Gypsum

Correct Answer: A [ Copper and Uranium ]


9.Which of the following mountain ranges is not present in Europe?

[A] Apennine Mountain Range 
[B] Pyrenees Mountain Range 
[C] Sierra Nevada Mountain Range 
[D] Alps Mountain range

Correct Answer: C [ Sierra Nevada Mountain Range ]


10.The northernmost point of India is known as:

[A] Indira Heights 
[B] Indira Col 
[C] Indira Point 
[D] None of the above

Correct Answer: B [ Indira Col ]