World’s largest canal lock inaugurated in Netherlands


1.ISRO’s Aditya-L1 mission will be launched in 2022 itself

ISRO is likely to launch “ Aditya-L 1 mission ” to study the Sun in the year 2022 . The Aditya-L1 mission will be established at the L1 Lagrange point . This mission will be ISRO’s second space-based astronomy mission after AstroSat . AstroSat was launched in 2015 . Aditya-L1 was formerly named Aditya 1 and its purpose is the solar inspect. Aditya L1 will be launched on a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) XL, carrying 7 payloads or instruments. Aditya L1 mission launched to study Sun’s corona (visible and near-infrared rays), chromosphere (ultra violet), Sun’s photosphere (soft and hard X-rays), solar winds and flares, solar emission and coronal mass ejection Will go It will also do round-the-clock imaging of the Sun. The biggest challenge associated with the Aditya L1 mission is the distance of the Sun from the Earth, which is about 150 million kilometers. Due to several risks, the payloads in previous ISRO missions have largely remained stationary in space. But there are some moving components in Aditya L1 which increase the risk of collision. Other problems include extremely hot temperatures and radiation from the solar atmosphere. However, Aditya L1 will be far away.

2.India’s first Geological Park to be built in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh

India’s first geological park will be built at Lamheta in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh . Clearance for this park was given by the Geological Survey of India under the Ministry of Mines . Rs 35 crore on five acres of landThis park will be constructed with the investment of Rs. This geological park will be built in Lamheta because this place is one of the important places in the world from geological point of view. In 1928, William Henry Sleeman discovered dinosaur fossils from this area. UNESCO has also recognized Lamheta as a geo-heritage site. The Geopark is an integrated area, which advances the conservation and use of geological heritage in a sustainable manner. It also promotes the economic well-being of the people living there.

3.India and Israel to build ‘Villages of Excellence’ together

On January 28, 2022, the central government announced its decision to convert around 150 villages into ‘ Villages of Excellence ‘ in 12 states. These villages will be converted into Villages of Excellence with technical assistance from the Israeli government . The Government of Israel already has 29 Centers of Excellence (CoEs) in 12 states.has installed. The already established CoEs are producing over 25 million vegetable plants and over 3,87,000 quality fruit plants. These CoEs can provide training to over 1.2 lakh farmers per year. 150 villages located around the CoEs will be converted into ‘Excellent Villages’. Of these, 75 villages will be converted in the first year to commemorate the 75th year of India’s independence in collaboration with the Israeli government.

4.Now the detection of Kovid can be done by chest X-ray, IIT Jodhpur has developed technology

An Artificial Intelligence (AI) based chest X-ray technique was recently developed by the researchers of Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur (IIT-J) . This chest X-ray technique will be used for the screening of Kovid-19 . Researchers team COMiT-NetA deep learning-based algorithm called This algorithm will collect information about the abnormalities present in the chest X-ray images to differentiate the non-COVID affected lung from the COVID affected lung. More than 2,500 chest X-ray images were used to develop the technology. This achieved a sensitivity of about 96.80%. The AI ​​solution used in this research is interpretable from both medical as well as algorithmic perspectives. Countries have faced challenges with limited availability of processing centers and testing kits in remote areas, amid the rising number of COVID-19 cases in multiple waves across the world. Limited availability prompted researchers to develop alternative, reliable, fast and easily accessible methods of testing.

5.Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was taken to a safe place along with his family due to the protests

Recently mass protests began in Canada . These protests have been mainly started by Canadian truck drivers . Due to these protests, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau along with his family has been taken to a safe place . In fact, the Canadian government has made the Kovid-19 vaccine mandatory for truck drivers for cross-border movement . Now truck drivers must present proof of vaccination when entering Canada. Angered by this decision of the government, hundreds of truck drivers with their trucks in the capital Ottawa .left for. Canadian truck drivers are considering it against their independence. Many people of the country and abroad are also being given support to these protesters. This movement of truck drivers has been named Freedom Convoy . However, riots are also being encouraged by the protesters at many places.

6.Xiomara Castro becomes first female President of Honduras

Xiomara Castro was sworn in as the first female President of Honduras . Honduras is a Central American country. Its capital is Tegucigalpa . the caribbean seaIt is situated on the coast of Xiomara Castro is a socialist leader. He has promised to tackle drug trafficking in the country. At the same time, she wants to liberalize strict abortion laws. Manuel Zelaya is Shiomara’s husband. He ruled Honduras between 2006 and 2009. In 2009, he stepped down after a military coup. After his expulsion, Shiomara took part in the election and received public support. Xiomara replaces President Orlando. Shiomara garnered 51% of the vote. He got over 1.7 million votes. This is the first time that a leader has secured such a good number of votes.

7.Pushp Kumar Joshi appointed as new Chairman and MD of HPCL

Pushp Kumar Joshi has been named the new Chairman and Managing Director of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) , the country’s third largest oil refining and fuel marketing company . Joshi, who is currently the Director of Human Resources in HPCL, has been on the Board of HPCL for almost a decade. He will replace Mukesh Kumar Surana, who is retiring on April 30 this year.

8.Andhra Pradesh government launched ‘AP Seva Portal 2.0’

Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy recently launched AP Seva Portal 2.0 . This portal will provide better services to the citizens. This portal is also called Citizen Service Portal . This portal provides digital services to citizens in a transparent manner.will provide. This portal will help the public to track their application without any hassle. Updates of applications will also be provided through SMS. This portal provides 30 services. This includes 6 services of civil supplies, 25 services of municipal administration, 30 services of revenue and land administration, three services of rural development and another 53 services of energy departments. Version 2.0 allows online approval of applications. Also, this portal allows officials to provide certificates and documents online. This portal allows the use of digital signature. This portal will help people to get government services easily. They can avail the services sitting at their homes and there is no need to go to any government office. With all, This portal will help the Secretaries to know about the progress of the applications. Nearly 90% of the government services offered have been brought under this portal. Gateway is included for accessing paid services.

9.India’s largest EV charging station opens in Gurgaon

India’s largest Electric Vehicle (EV) charging station , with a capacity of 100 charging points for four wheelers , opened on the Delhi-Jaipur National Highway in Gurugram . Previously, India’s largest EV charging station was located in Navi Mumbai , with 16 AC and 4 DC charging ports for EVs. Tech-piloting company Alektrify Private Limited to develop the new EV charging stationhas been developed by. This EV charging station will not only give a boost to the electric vehicle industry in the region but will also serve as a benchmark for larger EV charging stations across the country in future. Electric vehicle charging stations of this size and magnitude are rare and will be instrumental in helping the industry experience genuine ease of doing business in seamless ‘Certification Compliance’ and ‘Safety Standards’.

10.Telugu short film ‘Street Student’ wins Rs 2 lakh prize in NHRC’s short film award competition

Telugu short film ‘ Street Student ‘ won Rs 2 lakh in National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) short film award competitionwon the award. A record 190 entries were received from different parts of the country in the 7th prestigious Short Film Awards Competition of the National Human Rights Commission. Mr. Romi Meitei’s film ‘Carfue’ has been selected for the second prize of Rs 1.5 lakh. Through the story of a child in Manipur, the film depicts the barriers faced by people’s right to life, liberty, dignity and equality, such as stereotypical fear psychosis. Shri Nilesh Ambedkar’s ‘Munghyar’ has been selected for the third prize of Rs 1 lakh. Incidentally, in all award-winning films, children have been the catalysts to raise important human rights concerns and expose society’s conservative thinking. The objective of NHRC Short Film Awards Scheme is to encourage and acknowledge cinematic and creative efforts towards promotion and protection of human rights.

11.Delhi government will give compensation to farmers who get damaged due to rain

The Delhi government has recently approved Rs 20,000 per acre to the farmers. These farmers have suffered due to unseasonal rains . Rain water entered their fields and damaged their crops. The state government allocated a total of Rs 53 crore for about 29,000 acres. Farmers around the capital faced heavy losses due to unseasonal rains in September-October 2021. Due to these rains, water from nearby drains washed away in the fields causing severe damage. To solve this issue, Delhi government has allocated compensation amount. The state government had sent a team to assess the damage. The funds have been allocated on the basis of the report submitted by the team. If the loss is 70% or less, compensation is to be paid at the rate of 70%. If the loss is more than 70% then 100% compensation will have to be given.

12.Tamil Nadu prepares draft policy for senior citizens

Tamil Nadu government draft policy for senior citizenshas prepared. Under this policy, the government plans to work with educational institutions, field experts and civil society organizations. This policy has been made on the basis of Article 41 of the Constitution. The policy will focus on social security schemes, health and nutrition, income security, security, livelihood, security, housing and environment, education, disaster management and research and documentation. Its objective is to create a Directorate for the Welfare of Senior Citizens. The policy highlights on providing livelihood training, formation of elderly self-help groups, capacity building for senior citizens. At the same time, it will also address the issues of safety of older people. It will create a banking assistance program and a system of rescue centers for victims.

13.META tie-up with FICCI to support 5 lakh women-owned SMBs across India

Social media giant Meta has partnered with industry body Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) to support five lakh women-led small businesses across India . META will take this initiative in partnership with FICCI’s ‘ Empowering the Greater 50% ‘ initiative under its #SheMeansBusiness programme. This initiative will create a supportive ecosystem for women and motivate them to be a contributor to the overall development of the country.

14.North Korea launches Hwasong-12 missile

North Korea launched its Hwasong-12 intermediate-range ballistic missile on January 30, 2022 . The month of January was one of the busiest months of missile tests for North Korea. With the launch of Hwasong-12, North Korea highlights efforts to ensure its reliable systems for the delivery of nuclear weapons . North Korea’s testing program began with the launch of a new ” hypersonic missile “, and later included long-range cruise missiles, short-range ballistic missiles, which were launched from railcars and airfields. North Korea has introduced its nuclear weapons or longest-range intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) since 2017.Haven’t tested. However, the launch of Hwaseong-12 indicated that it may begin such testing soon.

15.World’s largest canal lock inaugurated in Netherlands

The world’s largest canal lock has been inaugurated in Ijmuiden , a small port town in the Amsterdam port of Netherlands . The sea lock was inaugurated by the Dutch king Willen-Alexander . izmuiden sea lock500 meters (1,640 ft) long and 70 meters wide. Construction on the massive infrastructure project began in 2016 and was to be completed by 2019. This exceeded the initially planned budget by about €300 million ($338 million). The Ijmuiden Lock was designed to allow large, modern cargo ships to access the port of Amsterdam. The structure is also deep enough that ships will not have to wait for a favorable water level to enter the canal. About nine meters above the sea, this structure also protects against the danger of floods.

16.China imposes import ban on Lithuania

The Chinese government recently imposed import restrictions on Lithuania . This means that Chinese companies will not have to import goods or raw materials from Lithuania. Earlier in 2021, Lithuania recognized Taiwan as an independent state and opened Taiwan’s office in the country. According to China, Taiwan is an integral part of it. On this, the European Union has filed a case against China in the World Trade Organization . Earlier, China had also banned the import of alcohol from Australia and the import of salmon fish from Norway . When India gave refuge to the Dalai Lama , China waged a war against India.

17.India-UAE Venture Capital Fund launched

India and UAE have jointly created a $150 million fund to support startups . This fund will help create 10 unicorns by 2025 . Unicorns are startups that are worth more than USD 1 billionIs. The fund was launched at the Expo 2020 held in Dubai. This fund will act as a catalyst in developing startups. This will be of great help to the startups which are in the early stage of their development. The fund will support at least 50 startups in both the countries. NASSCOM is the Indian representative of this fund. India and UAE signed a MoU to raise funds. There are huge employment opportunities for the youth in the startup ecosystem. They pave the way for the youth to bring out their entrepreneurial potential. However, lack of capital is the main obstacle in realizing their potential. This fund will help startups to overcome this hurdle.

18.Ministry of Electronics and IT launches “Federated Digital Identities”

The Ministry of Electronics and IT has launched “ Federated Digital Identities ”. Its purpose is to link multiple identity cards of Indian citizens . For example digital IDs like Aadhaar, Passport and PAN are interlinked and stored under a new unique ID. State and Central Identities of Citizens are now in this new “ Federated Digital Identities ”will be stored under Citizens can avail their third party services through this ID. This will eliminate the need for repeated verification process. Aadhaar only reveals who such a person is. However, it is necessary to ascertain the other identities of the citizens. This includes students, farmers, entrepreneurs, teachers, pharmacists, doctors, pensioners, vehicle owners and others. This identification is of utmost importance for policy making and for weighing capabilities. The main objective of “Federated Digital Identities” is to reduce the number of identities of a citizen.

19.Tata group chooses SBI, BOB and HDFC Bank to finance Air India’s old debt

The Tata Group has selected State Bank of India , Bank of Baroda and HDFC Bank as preferred bankers for Air India . Recently the Tata group has acquired Air India from the government. Air India is the largest international carrier outside India with 18.6% market share. Tata Sons has taken a loan of Rs 10,000 crore from SBI and Rs 5,000 crore from Bank of Baroda. The loan amount from HDFC Bank is yet to be ascertained. The loans are unsecured, unsecured, and pegged at 4.25% [interest rate] per annum.

20.’A Little Book of India: Celebrating 75 Years of Independence’ by Ruskin Bond

A new book titled A Little Book of India: Celebrating 75 years of Independence authored by Ruskin Bond was released to mark 75 years of India’s independence . The book is a blend of the “material and spiritual” characteristics of India and also throws light on India’s progress as a nation over the past 75 years. It is published by Penguin Random House India (PRHI). It is a record of some of my memories and impressions of this unique land – of its rivers and forests, of literature and culture, of sights, sounds and colours – an amalgamation of the physical and the spiritual.

21.Terapay ties up with NPCI International to promote cashless transactions

TerraPay has signed MoU with NPCI International Payments Limited (NIPL) to allow Indian customers with active UPI IDs to receive real-time, international payments to their bank accounts through TerraPay’s secure payment technology Can you This will enable a seamless and convenient cross-border remittance experience. NIPL is an international arm of the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI).

22.WGC: Global gold demand up 10% to 4,021 tonnes

According to the report of the World Gold Council (WGC) , ‘ Gold Demand Trends 2021 ‘ has informed that the global gold demand increased by 10 percent to 4,021.3 tonnes in 2021 . The total gold demand during 2020, which was impacted by disruptions related to COVID-19, stood at 3,658.8 tonnes. Demand for the yellow metal was primarily driven by central bank purchases during the fourth quarter of 2021, mainly due to an improvement in jewelery consumption in India and China. Gold consumption in India rose to 797.3 tonnes in 2021 on the back of improving consumer sentiments and demand recovery following the disruptions related to COVID-19 and is set to continue the bullish trend this year as well.

23.New parasitic plant discovered in Nicobar Islands

Recently a new genus of parasitic flowering plant ( Septemeranthus in Nicobar Islands) has been discovered. Apart from Septameranthus, four other genus of non-parasitic plants Nicobariodendron (Hippocrataceae), Pseudodiplospora (Rubiaceae), Pubistyllis (Rubiaceae), Spiranthera, (Euphorbiaceae) have also been discovered from the Nicobar Islands, highlighting the ecological importance of the region. Huh. A parasitic plant is a plant that obtains all or part of its nutrition from another plant (nutrient) without providing any benefit to it, and sometimes causes severe damage to that host plant. The ‘Septemeranthus’ genus grows on the support of the plant species ‘Horsfeldiaglabra’ (Bloom) warb. ‘Septemeranthus’ is only partially dependent on its host, but it also has leaves capable of photosynthesis. It is endemic only to the Nicobar Islands. The name ‘Septemeranthus’ is derived from the Latin word ‘septum’, which means ‘seven’.

24.Artificial snow at the Beijing Winter Olympics

China is the first country to host both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games . China is making artificial snow for the 2022 Winter Olympics . Snow Boarding, Ski Jumping of China Olympic GamesArtificial snow will be created at the sites. Cross country, biathlon, nordic, freestyle and snow boarding games will be held in Zhangjiakou. It is 100 miles from the host city and is a ski destination. The temperature here goes below zero degree Celsius. Although the snowfall has subsided. Earlier there used to be heavy snowfall here. Now it has come down to millimeter. The Olympics cannot depend on a slight snowfall. Thus, artificial snow will be created. Artificial snow is important for gliding games. The first ice-making at the Olympics was done in 1980 over Lake Placid. In 2014, Sochi (Russia) used artificial snow.

25.World Neglected Tropical Disease Day: January 30

World NTD Day is observed every year on 30 January to raise awareness of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) as an important public health challenge so that we can work towards their eradication. be able to make progress. The theme of 2022 is ‘ Achieving Health Equity to End Poverty Neglected Diseases ‘. The slogan of 2022 is ” From neglect to care “. The first World NTD Day was held on 30 January 2020. The proposal to recognize this day was made by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) .