100+ IMP Questions of History


History GK Questions

1 Question: Who was the first emperor of the Maurya Dynasty?

Answer: Chandragupta Maurya

2 Question: In which year did the Battle of Plassey take place?

Answer: 1757

3 Question: Who was the founder of the Gupta Dynasty?

Answer: Sri Gupta

4 Question: The famous Ajanta Caves are located in which Indian state?

Answer: Maharashtra

5 Question: Who was the Mughal emperor known as ‘Akbar the Great’?

Answer: Akbar

6 Question: The Indus Valley Civilization is also known as:

 Answer: Harappan Civilization

 7 Question: The ‘Doctrine of Lapse’ policy was introduced by which British Governor-General?

Answer: Lord Dalhousie

8 Question: The Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place in which city?

Answer: Amritsar

9 Question: Who was the first woman Prime Minister of India?

Answer: Indira Gandhi

10 Question: The Indian National Congress was founded in which year?

Answer: 1885

11 Question: The Quit India Movement was launched in which year?

Answer: 1942

12 Question: Who was known as the ‘Iron Man of India’?

Answer: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

13 Question: The famous speech ‘Tryst with Destiny’ was delivered by:

Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru

14 Question: The Battle of Panipat in 1526 was fought between Babur and whom?

Answer: Ibrahim Lodi

15 Question: The ancient university of Nalanda was located in present-day:

Answer: Bihar

16 Question: Who was the first Muslim ruler of Delhi?

Answer: Qutb-ud-din Aibak

17 Question: Who was the founder of the Khilji Dynasty in Delhi Sultanate?

Answer: Jalal-ud-din Khilji

18 Question: The Indian National Army (INA) was formed by:

Answer: Subhas Chandra Bose

19 Question: The ‘Bhakti Movement’ in India was associated with:

Answer: Spiritual devotion

20 Question: The famous ‘Dandi March’ led by Mahatma Gandhi was in protest against:

Answer: Salt tax

21 Question: Who was the author of the famous book ‘Discovery of India’?

Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru

22 Question: The ancient city of Mohenjo-Daro is located in which modern-day country?

Answer: Pakistan

23 Question: The Mauryan emperor Ashoka is known for:

Answer: Spreading Buddhism

24 Question: Who was the first Indian woman to become the President of the Indian National Congress?

Answer: Annie Besant

25 Question: The famous cave temples of Ellora are dedicated to which religions?

Answer: Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism

26 Question: The ‘Treaty of Bassein’ was signed between the British and which Maratha leader?

Answer: Baji Rao II

27 Question: The Mauryan emperor who embraced Buddhism after the Kalinga War was:

Answer: Ashoka

28 Question: The famous Indian mathematician who wrote the treatise ‘Lilavati’ was:

Answer: Bhaskara II

29 Question: The first war of Indian independence in 1857 is also known as:

Answer: The Sepoy Mutiny

30 Question: The ‘Khilafat Movement’ in India was aimed at:

Answer: Supporting the Ottoman Caliphate

31 Question: The ancient city of Varanasi is situated on the banks of which river?

Answer: Ganges

32 Question: Who was the first Indian woman to receive the Bharat Ratna?

Answer: Indira Gandhi

33 Question: The famous ‘Rani ki Jhansi’ was a prominent leader during which uprising?

Answer: The Indian Rebellion of 1857

34 Question: The ‘Battle of Haldighati’ was fought between:

Answer: Akbar and Rana Pratap

35 Question: The ‘Simon Commission’ was appointed to review and suggest changes to:

Answer: The Government of India Act, 1919

36 Question: The famous ‘Sanchi Stupa’ is located in which Indian state?

Answer: Madhya Pradesh

37 Question: Who was the leader of the ‘Khilafat Movement’ in India?

Answer: Maulana Muhammad Ali

38 Question: The famous ‘Hoysala Temples’ are located in which state?

Answer: Karnataka

39 Question: The first Viceroy of India was:

Answer: Lord Canning

40 Question: Who was the founder of the Indian National Army (INA)?

Answer: Subhas Chandra Bose

41 Question: The ‘Battle of Talikota’ in 1565 was a decisive battle between the Vijayanagara Empire and:

Answer: The Deccan Sultanates

42 Question: The poet-saint Kabir belonged to which religious tradition?

Answer: Bhakti Movement

43 Question: The famous Mauryan emperor known for his rock edicts was:

Answer: Ashoka

44 Question: The ‘Khilafat Movement’ was launched in collaboration with which leader?

Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

45 Question: The ‘Indian National Congress’ was formed during a session in:

Answer: Bombay (Mumbai)

46 Question: The ‘Battle of Buxar’ in 1764 was fought between the British and:

Answer: The combined forces of Mir Qasim, Shuja-ud-Daula, and Shah Alam II

47 Question: The poet-saint who composed the ‘Ramcharitmanas’ was:

Answer: Tulsidas

48 Question: The ancient city of Taxila is located in present-day:

Answer: Pakistan

49 Question: The ‘Chauri Chaura incident’ in 1922 led to the suspension of which movement?

Answer: Non-Cooperation Movement

50  Question: The ‘Indo-Greek’ ruler who embraced Buddhism was:

Answer: Menander (Milinda)

History GK Questions

Question: The ‘Dandi March’ led by Mahatma Gandhi started from:

Answer: Sabarmati Ashram

Question: Who was the first woman President of the Indian National Congress?

Answer: Annie Besant

Question: The ‘Pala Empire’ in ancient India was known for its patronage of:

Answer: Buddhism

Question: The famous ‘Charminar’ is located in which Indian city?

Answer: Hyderabad

Question: The ‘Lucknow Pact’ in 1916 was an agreement between the Congress and:

Answer: The Muslim League

Question: The ‘Battle of Plassey’ marked the beginning of British colonial rule in India and was fought against:

Answer: Siraj-ud-Daulah

Question: Who was the Mughal emperor during the time of the construction of the Taj Mahal?

Answer: Shah Jahan

Question: The ancient ‘Nalanda University’ was a center of learning for:

Answer: Buddhism

Question: The ‘Battle of Wandiwash’ in 1760 was fought between the British and:

Answer: The French

Question: The ‘Rigveda’ is a collection of hymns dedicated to:

Answer: Gods and natural forces

History GK Questions

Question: The ‘Dutch East India Company’ established its first factory in India in which city?

Answer: Masulipatnam

Question: The ‘Sikh Empire’ was founded by:

Answer: Maharaja Ranjit Singh

Question: The ‘Rani Padmini’ of Chittorgarh was associated with which historical event?

Answer: Siege of Chittorgarh by Alauddin Khilji

Question: The ‘Treaty of Allahabad’ in 1765 was signed between the British and:

Answer: Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II

Question: The ‘Battle of Seringapatam’ in 1799 resulted in the death of which notable figure?

Answer: Tipu Sultan

Question: The famous ‘Junagadh Rock Inscription’ is associated with:

Answer: Ashoka

Question: Who was the founder of the Maurya Dynasty?

Answer: Chandragupta Maurya

Question: The ‘Queen’s Necklace’ is a popular promenade in which Indian city?

Answer: Mumbai

Question: The ‘Jallianwala Bagh massacre’ took place in which year?

Answer: 1919

Question: The ‘Bhakti Movement’ was prominent in which region of India?

Answer: Medieval India

History GK Questions

Question: The ‘Battle of Talikota’ in 1565 was fought between the Vijayanagara Empire and:

Answer: The Deccan Sultanates

Question: Who was the first Governor-General of Bengal?

Answer: Warren Hastings

Question: The ‘Delhi Sultanate’ was founded by:

Answer: Qutb-ud-din Aibak

Question: The ‘Gupta Empire’ is often referred to as the ‘Golden Age of India’ because of:

Answer: Flourishing of art, science, and literature

Question: The ‘Battle of Plassey’ was fought during the reign of which Mughal emperor?

Answer: Alamgir II

Question: The Battle of Panipat fought in 1526 marked the beginning of the rule of which dynasty in India?

Answer: Mughal Dynasty

Question: Who was the first woman ruler of Delhi Sultanate?

Answer: Razia Sultana

Question: The ancient city of Mohenjo-Daro is part of which present-day country?

Answer: Pakistan

Question: Who is known as the Father of Indian Space Program?

Answer: Vikram Sarabhai

Question: The Indian National Army (INA) was formed by which nationalist leader during World War II?

Answer: Subhas Chandra Bose

History GK Questions

Question: The Indus Valley Civilization was mainly spread across the banks of which river?

Answer: Indus River

Question: Who was the leader of the Bardoli Satyagraha in 1928?

Answer: Vallabhbhai Patel

Question: Which medieval Indian ruler is known for his construction of the Qutub Minar in Delhi?

Answer: Qutb-ud-din Aibak

Question: The Maratha Empire reached its zenith under the leadership of which ruler?

Answer: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

Question: The famous Ashoka Pillar at Sarnath features which emblem?

Answer: Lion Capital of Ashoka

Question: The Vijayanagara Empire was founded by which two brothers?

Answer: Harihara and Bukka

Question: Who was the leader of the famous Rani Jhansi Regiment during the Indian National Army’s struggle for independence?

Answer: Lakshmi Sahgal

Question: The “Doctrine of Lapse” was a policy associated with which British Governor-General?

Answer: Lord Dalhousie

Question: The historical ‘Great Bath’ is a prominent structure found in which ancient site of the Indus Valley Civilization?

Answer: Mohenjo-Daro

Question: Who was the last Mughal Emperor of India?

Answer: Bahadur Shah II

History GK Questions

Question: The Quit India Movement was launched in response to which significant event?

Answer: World War II

Question: The famous ‘Kirti Stambha’ (Tower of Fame) is located in which Indian state?

Answer: Rajasthan

Question: The Chola dynasty was known for its advancements in which field?

Answer: Arts and Architecture

Question: The Mauryan Emperor Ashoka embraced Buddhism after which brutal war?

Answer: Kalinga War

Question: The Hoysala architecture is predominantly found in which state of India?

Answer: Karnataka

Question: Who was the founder of the Satavahana dynasty in ancient India?

Answer: Simuka

Question: The ‘Babri Masjid’ was demolished in which year?

Answer: 1992

Question: The ‘Moplah Rebellion’ of 1921 took place in which Indian state?

Answer: Kerala

Question: The famous Indian mathematician who wrote the ‘Sulba Sutras’ was:

Answer: Baudhayana

Question: The ‘Saraswati Civilization’ is a proposed ancient civilization thought to have existed along the banks of which river?

Answer: Saraswati River

History GK Questions

Question: Who was the Sikh Guru who founded the city of Amritsar and initiated the construction of the Golden Temple?

Answer: Guru Ram Das

Question: The ‘Cripps Mission’ in 1942 aimed at resolving political issues in India during which war?

Answer: World War II

Question: The ‘Rampa Rebellion’ in 1922 took place in which Indian state?

Answer: Andhra Pradesh

Question: The ‘Battle of Kohima’ during World War II is considered a turning point in the struggle against which force?

Answer: Japanese forces

Question: The famous ‘Elephanta Caves’ are located near which Indian city?

Answer: Mumbai

Question: Who was the first woman Chief Minister of an Indian state?

Answer: Sucheta Kripalani

Question: The ‘Barauni Refinery,’ one of the oldest oil refineries in India, is located in which state?

Answer: Bihar

Question: The ‘Gupta Empire’ is known for the golden age of which fields?

Answer: Arts, Science, and Literature

Question: The ancient Indian script ‘Brahmi’ is the precursor to which modern writing system?

Answer: Devanagari

Question: The ‘Bhakti Movement’ gained prominence during which period?

Answer: Medieval India

Question: Who was the medieval Indian ruler known as ‘Sher-e-Punjab’ or the Lion of Punjab?

Answer: Maharaja Ranjit Singh

Question: The ‘Kakori Conspiracy’ of 1925 was associated with which freedom fighters?

Answer: Ram Prasad Bismil and Ashfaqulla Khan

Question: The ancient trade route known as the ‘Silk Road’ connected India with which other region?

Answer: Central Asia and China

Question: The ‘Nizam of Hyderabad’ chose to accede to which country after India gained independence in 1947?

Answer: India

Question: The ‘East India Company’ was granted a charter by Queen Elizabeth I in which year?

Answer: 1600

Answer: Joe Biden

Question: In which century did the Renaissance period begin?

Answer: 14th century

Question: What famous event occurred on July 20, 1969?

Answer: Apollo 11 Moon Landing

Question: Who is known as the “Father of Modern Physics”?

Answer: Albert Einstein

Question: Which ancient civilization is known for building the pyramids?

Answer: Ancient Egypt

Question: What was the primary cause of the American Civil War?

Answer: Slavery

Question: Who wrote “The Communist Manifesto” with Karl Marx?

Answer: Friedrich Engels

Question: In which year did Christopher Columbus first reach the Americas?

Answer: 1492

Question: What is the significance of the Magna Carta in history?

Answer: It established the principle that the king is subject to the law.

Question: Who was the queen of ancient Egypt known for her alliance with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony?

Answer: Cleopatra

Question: What was the main cause of the French Revolution?

Answer: Economic inequality and political discontent

Question: Who is credited with the invention of the printing press?

Answer: Johannes Gutenberg

Question: What major event took place on November 9, 1989, leading to the reunification of Germany?

Answer: Fall of the Berlin Wall

Question: Which ancient empire was ruled by Emperor Ashoka?

Answer: Maurya Empire

Question: What was the impact of the Industrial Revolution on society?

Answer: It brought about significant social and economic changes, including urbanization and technological advancements.

Question: Who is the leader associated with the “I Have a Dream” speech during the Civil Rights Movement?

Answer: Martin Luther King Jr.

Question: What was the main goal of the Apollo 11 mission?

Answer: To land humans on the Moon and return them safely to Earth

Question: Who was the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?

Answer: Margaret Thatcher

Question: What is the significance of the Battle of Gettysburg in the American Civil War?

Answer: It was a turning point in favor of the Union forces.

Question: Who wrote the famous play “Romeo and Juliet”?

Answer: William Shakespeare

What are the 10 top GK questions?

Question: What is the capital of France?

Answer: Paris

Question: Who wrote “To Kill a Mockingbird”?

Answer: Harper Lee

Question: What is the largest planet in our solar system?

Answer: Jupiter

Question: In which year did World War II end?

Answer: 1945

Question: What is the currency of Japan?

Answer: Japanese Yen

Question: Who is known as the “Father of the Computer”?

Answer: Charles Babbage

Question: Which element has the chemical symbol ‘O’?

Answer: Oxygen

Question: What is the capital of Australia?

Answer: Canberra

Question: Who painted the Mona Lisa?

Answer: Leonardo da Vinci

Question: What is the longest river in the world?

Answer: The Nile

Answer: The Lighthouse of Alexandria

Question: Which war is known as the “Great War”?

Answer: World War I

Question: Who was the queen of ancient Egypt known for her alliance with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony?

Answer: Cleopatra

Question: What event marked the beginning of the Renaissance in Europe?

Answer: The Fall of Constantinople in 1453

Question: Who was the leader of the Indian independence movement known for his philosophy of nonviolent resistance?

Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

Question: In which year did Christopher Columbus first reach the Americas?

Answer: 1492

Question: What ancient civilization is known for building the Hanging Gardens?

Answer: Babylonian (Mesopotamian) civilization

Question: Who was the first emperor of China, known for the construction of the Great Wall?

Answer: Qin Shi Huang

Question: What treaty ended World War I?

Answer: Treaty of Versailles