1. The side of a cube is 8 m, Find the volume? 

A.) 513 m3

B.) 514 m3

C.) 512 m3

D.) 502 m3


  1. The side of a cube is 15 m, find it’s surface area? 

A.) 1350 m2

B.) 1250 m2

C.) 1300 m2

D.) 1450 m2


  1. The side of a cube is 12 m, find the lateral surface area?

A.) 526 m2

B.) 506 m2

C.) 518 m2

D.) 516 m2


  1. The lateral surface area of cube is 100 sq.units. Find the volume of cube?

A.) 122 m3

B.) 135 m3

C.) 125 m3

D.) 120 m3


  1. The volume of cube is equal to the surface area of that cube. Then find the distance of side of the cube?

A.) 6 m

B.) 7 m

C.) 8 m

D.) 9 m


  1. The surface area of a cube is 486 Cm3. Find its volume?

A.) 739 Cm3

B.) 529 Cm3

C.) 729 Cm3

D.) None of these


  1. The diagonal of a cube is 8√3. find its volume and surface area. 

A.) 34 Cm2

B.) 364 Cm3

C.) 384 Cm2

D.) 384 Cm3


  1. Three cubes of sides 5 m, 4 m, and 3 m are melted to form a new cube. Find the surface of the new cube? 

A.) 216 Cm2

B.) 256 Cm3

C.) 216 Cm3

D.) None of these


  1. Two cubes of thire sides ratio 2 : 3. Find its cube volumes ratio?

A.) 27: 7

B.) 27: 8

C.) 8: 27

D.) 8: 25


  1. Two cubes of their volumes in the ratio 64: 125. The ratio of their surface area is:

A.) 5: 4

B.) 4: 5

C.) 3: 5

D.) None of these


  1. Find the volume of cuboid 15 m length, 9 m breadth and 2 m height. 

A.) 1420 m3

B.) 1440 m2

C.) 1424 m3

D.) 1440 m3


  1. The lateral surface area of cuboid length 12 m, breadth 8 m and height 6m. 

A.) 230 m3

B.) 240 m3

C.) 230 m2

D.) 240 m2


  1. The total surface area of a cuboid length 12 m, breadth 10 m and height 8 m. 

A.) 592 m3

B.) 592 m2

C.) 594 m3

D.) None of these


  1. The length of box 12 Cm long, 8 Cm breadth and 9Cm height. Find the length of pencil in that box?

A.) 17 Cm2

B.) 18 Cm

C.) 17 Cm

D.) 18 Cm3


  1. How many cubes of 10 Cm edge can be put in a cubic box of 1 m edge? 

A.) 100

B.) 10

C.) 1000

D.) 10000


  1. If each edge of cube increased by 10%, the percentage increase in surface area is: 

A.) 33.1%

B.) 33%

C.) 32.2

D.) 32.3


  1. If each edge of cube increased by 20%, the percentage increase in 

A.) 44%

B.) 34%

C.) 48%

D.) 42%



  1. How many cuboids of length 5 m, width 3 m and height 2 m can be farmed from a cuboid of 18 m length, 15 m width and 2 m height. 

A.) 118

B.) 106

C.) 119

D.) 108


  1. How many box’s of length 40 Cm, width 30 Cm and height 10 Cm can be formed from a box of 6 m length, 4 m width and 2 m height.

A.) 400

B.) 3500

C.) 4000

D.) 2000


  1. The radius of a cylinder is 10 m, height 14 m. The volume of the cylinder is: 

A.) 4000 m2

B.) 4300 m2

C.) 4000 m3

D.) None of these



  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. D
  8. C
  9. C
  10. B
  11. D
  12. D
  13. B
  14. C
  15. D
  16. A
  17. A
  18. D
  19. C
  20. C