Ancient Indian History Multiple Choice Questions


Ancient Indian History Multiple Choice Questions


1.Gandhara School of art is related to which of the following dynasties?

[A] Shakas
[B] Kushanas
[C] Guptas
[D] Greeks

Correct Answer: B [Kushanas]


2.Who among the following started the practice of military governships in India , by leaving the military governors called “Strategos” in India?

[A] Greeks
[B] Shakas
[C] kushans
[D] Parthians

Correct Answer: A [Greeks]


3.Which among the following river is most described in Rig-Veda?

[A] Sindhu
[B] Chenab
[C] Saraswati
[D] Ganga

Correct Answer: A [Sindhu]


4.In Buddhism, Patimonkha deals with which among the following?

[A] Education
[B] Propaganda
[C] Discipline
[D] All the above

Correct Answer: C [Discipline]


5.Consider the following: 
1. Persian Deities 
2. Greek Deities 
3. Indian Deities 
Which among the above were engraved in the Kushana coins

[A] 1 & 2
[B] 2 & 3
[C] 1 & 3
[D] all 1, 2, 3,

Correct Answer: D [all 1, 2, 3,]


6.In Vedic Era, Akhyani is the goddess of which of the following?

[A] Peace
[B] Sacrifice
[C] Forests
[D] Rivers

Correct Answer: C [Forests]


7.Bring out the only incorrect statement:

[A] Impeachment of the President Can be initiated in any house of the parliament
[B] Winston Churchill called Mahatma Gandhi as a “Naked Faqir”
[C] Megasthenes has written in detail about slavery in India that was prevalent in Mauryan Era
[D] Raj Rajeshwar temple was built by Chola Kings as Tanjore

Correct Answer: C [Megasthenes has written in detail about slavery in India that was prevalent in Mauryan Era]


8.Which among the following emperors introduced the two laws of Vyavahar Samta and Danda Samata?

[A] Chandragupta Maurya
[B] Ashoka
[C] Chandragupta Vikramaditya
[D] Samudragupta

Correct Answer: B [Ashoka]


9.The Kadamba Dynasty was founded by whom among the following?

[A] Ishwarsena
[B] Jayasimha
[C] Mayursharman
[D] Krishanraja

Correct Answer: C [Mayursharman]


10.The Practice of Polyandry was common in which of the following in ancient India?

[A] Kushanas
[B] Hunas
[C] Shakas
[D] Greeks

Correct Answer: B [Hunas]