Indian History-General Knowledge Questions and Answers


Indian History-General Knowledge Questions and Answers

1.The kailashnath Temple at Ellora was constructed by 

 Ans : Rashtrakuta king Krishna


  1. Who designed the Indian parliament Building ?

Ans : Herbert Bekar


  1. Thukaram belonged to

    Ans : Maharashtra

  1. Name the first king in the world who introduced prohibition

    Ans : Ashoka


  1. Which country is called constitution Research Society?

   Ans : Greece


  1. The custom of Johar prevailed among the women of 

    Ans : Rajputs


  1. When did Alexander the great visited India?

    Ans : 326 BC


  1. Indus valley civilization period was

    Ans : 3000-1500BC

  1. Who were the architects of Indus Valley Civilization?

   Ans : Dravidans


  1. Mohenjodaro and Harappa are now in 

    Ans : Pakistan

  1. The oldest veda is ________ 

      Ans : Rig

  1. Aryan’s lived in

     Ans : South India

  1. Where is “Bulandh Darwaza ” situated ?

    Ans : Uttar Pradesh


  1. The Dravidians worshipped

     Ans : Sakthi


  1. The staple food of Indus Valley people was

     Ans : Wheat and Barley

  1. The brain trust of Chandra Gupta Maurya was

      Ans : Kautilya

  1. The modern name for Pataliputra

      Ans : Patna


  1. The city of modern Patna was founded by

      Ans :  Ajathasatru

  1. The modern name for Panipat is

      Ans : Kurukshetra


  1. Ashvagosha lived during the ________ period

      Ans : Kushana


  1. Vikramaditya was

     Ans : Chandra Gupta II

  1. Vathapi was the capital of the

     Ans : Chalukyas

  1. Which battle in India gave superior status to the Britishers?

     Ans : Battle of Buxar

  1. Who was defeated by Ghori Mohammed to conquer Delhi?

     Ans : Prithviraj


  1. Who was known as the ‘Whip of the God’?

     Ans : Chengizkhan



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