1.Maximum share in total external debt of India is of ___

[A] Long-term borrowings
[B] Short Term Borrowings
[C] Medium Term Borrowings
[D] Ultra-Long term borrowings

Correct Answer: A [Long-term borrowings]


2.Reserve Tranche Position (RTP) is a term used in context with ____?

[A] Reserve Bank of India
[B] Federal Reserve Bank (of America)
[C] World Bank
[D] International Monetary Fund

Correct Answer: D [International Monetary Fund]


3.Which among the following programmes is NOT being implemented in India with assistance of World Bank?

[A] National Vector Borne Disease Control and Polio Eradication
[B] National Rural Livelihoods Project
[C] PMGSY Rural Roads Project
[D] Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Project

Correct Answer: D [Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Project]


4.National Small Savings Fund is a part of which among the following?

[A] Consolidated Fund of India
[B] Public Account of India
[C] Contingency Fund of India
[D] Prime Minister’s Relief Fund

Correct Answer: B [Public Account of India]


5.Maximum share in India’s total external debt is of which among the following currency?

[A] US Dollar
[B] Indian Rupee
[C] Euro
[D] Japanese Yen

Correct Answer: A [US Dollar]


6.One of the key features of many flagship schemes such as MGNREGA and NRLM is that they are “Demand Driven”. What is / are the feature / features of a demand driven scheme?

  1. The process is driven from the grassroots of the society
  2. The planning is highly centralised
  3. Implementation is largely done by the Central Government

Choose the correct option:

[A] Only 1
[B] 1 & 2
[C] 2 & 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3

Correct Answer: A [Only 1]


7.The National Mission for Saffron has been launched as a subscheme of which among the following programmes?

[A] National Food Security Mission
[B] National Horticulture Mission
[C] Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
[D] National Cash Crop Programme

Correct Answer: C [Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana]


8.Which among the following can not be called an ant inflationary measure?

[A] Raising the Bank Rates
[B] Raising the Reserve Ratio Requirements
[C] Purchase of securities in the Open Markets
[D] Rationing of the Credit

Correct Answer: C [Purchase of securities in the Open Markets]


9.Which among the following is the short name of highest authority in India for Indirect Taxes?


Correct Answer: C [CBEC]


10.Which among the following data are released in India on monthly basis?

  1. CPI
  2. WPI
  3. IIP

Choose the correct option:

[A] Only 1 & 3
[B] Only 2 & 3
[C] Only 1
[D] 1,2 & 3

Correct Answer: D [1,2 & 3]