INDIAN CULTURE QUIZ (In English) 24 Dec.2016



  1. Apart from India, in which of the following two countries, Tamil is an official language?
[A]Mauritius and Malaysia [B]Malaysia and Indonesia [C]Sri Lanka and Mauritius [D]Sri Lanka and Singapore
Ans.Sri Lanka and Singapore

  1. Historic Chandragiri Fort is located in which of the following states?
[A]Andhra Pradesh [B]Karnataka [C]Maharashtra [D]Telangana
Ana. Andhra Pradesh

  1. Sabarimala is located in which of the following states?
[A]Kerala [B]Karnataka [C]Andhra Pradesh [D]Telangana
Ans. Kerala

  1. The famous “Ganga Sagar Mela”, an annual fair is held in which state of India?
[A]Uttar Pradesh [B]Bihar [C]Jharkhand [D]West Bengal
Ans. West Bengal

  1. Ramman is a religious festival and ritual theatre of ____?
[A]Uttarkhand [B]Uttar Pradesh [C]West Bengal [D]Madhya Pradesh
Ans. Uttarkhand

  1. The famous Nabakalebara festival belongs to which of the following states?
[A]Rajasthan [B]Odisha [C]West Bengal [D]Bihar
Ans. Odisha

  1. Which among the following temples of India is known as Black Pagoda?
[A]Sun Temple, Konark [B]Brihadeeswara Temple, Tanjore [C]Lord Jagannath Temple, Puri [D]Meenakshi Temple, Madurai
Ans. Sun Temple, Konark

  1. The Kala Ghoda Arts Festival is associated with which one of the following cities?
[A]Kochi [B]Pune [C]Mumbai [D]Mysore
Ans. Mumbai

  1. Hanukkh, the festival of light is associated with which one of the following religions?
[A]Hindu [B]Jewish [C]Jain [D]Christians
Ans. Jewish

  1. Who among the following was known as Bengal’s Greata Garbo?
[A]Suchitra Sen [B]Amaravati [C]Kanan Devi [D]Bharathi Shirodkor
Ans. Suchitra Sen

  1. Thaipusam festival is celebrated by which of the following communities?
[A]Tamil [B]Telugu [C]Marathi [D]Malayalam
Ans. Tamil

  1. The Flamingo Festival is celebrated in__?
[A]Andhra Pradesh [B]Karnataka [C]Kerala [D]Jammu & Kashmir
Ans. Andhra Pradesh

  1. The Sangai Festival is organized in __:
[A]Assam [B]Manipur [C]Mizoram [D]Nagaland
Ans. Manipur

  1. The annual “Royal Kathina Ceremony” is associated with which of the following religions? [A]Jainism [B]Buddhism [C]Parsi [D]Sikhism
    Ans. Buddhism
  2. Who among the following invented Zero?
[A] Aryabhatta [B] Varahamihira [C] Bhaskara I [D] An unknown Indian
Ans.An unknown Indian

  1. Who among the following established the Ved Samaj in Madras in 1864?
[A] Keshabchandra Sen [B] Lokhitwadi [C] Shibnath Shastri [D] Debendranath Tagore
Ans. Keshub Chander Sen

  1. Who among the following preached the doctrine of “One religion, one caste and one God for mankind“?
[A] Jyotiba Phule [B] Vivekananda [C] Sri Narayan Guru [D] Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
Ans. Sri Narayan Guru

  1. The author of Tabqat-i-Akbari was___?
[A] Badauni [B] Khwaja Nizamuddin Ahmad [C] Abul Fazl [D] Khwand Mir
Ans. Khwaja Nizamuddin Ahmad

  1. Which among the following scholars in the Mughal Court alleged that Akbar was an enemy of Islam?
[A] Badauni [B] Niamtullah [C] Abbas Khan Sarwani [D] Nizamuddin Ahmad
Ans. Badauni

  1. Which of the following musical instruments is / are composite or Indo-Islamic in origin ? 1. Sitar 2. Shehnai 3. Tabla 4. Sarangi Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] 1 & 2 Only [B] 1, 3 & 4 Only [C] 1, 2 & 3 Only [D] 1, 2, 3 & 4
Ans.1, 3 & 4 Only

  1. The Varkari sect in Maharashtra was founded by __?
[A] Tukaram [B] Namdev [C] Visoba Khechar [D] Dhyaneshwar
Ans. Dhynaeshwar

  1. A devotional saint and a cobbler by profession was ___?
[A] Tulsidas [B] Surdas [C] Raidas [D] Malukdas
Ans. Raidas

  1. God knows man’s virtues and inquires not his caste; in the next world there is no caste. This teaching is of __?
[A] Kabir [B] Guru Nanak [C] Chaitanya [D] Ramananda
Ans. Guru Nanak

  1. The features of Indian art, that were adopted in the construction of the Mosques in India were: 1. Turned Lotus 2. Kalash on the domes 3. Ornamentation Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1 & 2 [B] Only 2 & 3 [C] Only 1 & 3 [D] 1, 2 & 3
Ans. 1, 2 & 3

  1. Who among the following Arab scholars studied Sanskrit and astronomy for a decade at Varanasi ?
[A] Alberuni [B] Amir Khusrau [C] Al’bidari [D] Al’Masher
Ans. Alberuni

  1. Which of these books is / are works by Amir Khusrau? 1. Qiran-u-Sadain 2. Tahqiq-i-Hind 3. Miftah-ul-Futuh 4. Nur-i-Sipihar Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1, 2 & 3 [B] Only 1, 3 & 4 [C] Only 1 & 3 [D] 1, 2, 3 & 4
Ans. Only 1, 3 & 4

  1. Which among the following was the work of Sultan Feroz Shah Tughlaq?
[A] Fautuhat-i-Ferozshahi [B] Fatawa-i-Jahandari [C] Tarikh-i-Ferozshahi [D] Tughlaqnama
Ans. Fautuhat-i-Ferozshahi

  1. Who among the following is the author of Kitab-ur-Rehla?
[A] Maulana Sharafuddin Ali Yazid [B] Amir Timur [C] Ibn-i-Batuta [D] Khwaja Abdullah Malik Isami
Ans. Ibn-i-Batuta

  1. Which among the following is known as the earliest example of Panchayatana style of temple?
[A] Dashavatara temple at Deogarh [B] Temple at Pathari [C] Shatrughneshwara temple at Bhubaneshwar [D] Lakshmana temple at Sirpur
Ans. Dashavatara temple- Deogarh

  1. Which among the following is the hallmark feature of the Dravida style of temple architecture?
[A] Shikhara [B] Gopuram [C] Vimana [D] Mandapa
Ans. Vimana

  1. Which among the following is / are works of Kalidasa? 1. Ritusamhara 2. Meghaduta 3. Dasakumarcharita 4. Kumarashambhava Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1 & 2 [B] Only 2, 3 &4 [C] Only 1, 2 & 4 [D] 1, 2, 3 & 4
Ans.Only 1, 2 & 4

  1. Which among the following is the most famous Bronze Image of Chola Period?
[A] Murugan [B] Nataraja [C] Venkateshwar [D] Vishnu
Ans. Nataraja

  1. Which among the following ancient authors has complained of the drain of gold to India (due to trade hegemony of ancient India)?
[A] Ptolemy [B] Nero [C] Strabo [D] Pliny
Ans. Pliny

  1. The Pagodas at Mahabalipuram had been constructed by ___?
[A] Cholas [B] Chalukyas of Kalyani [C] Pallavas [D] Pandyas
Ans. Pallavas

  1. In Pali texts, who among the following is referred to as Nigantha Nataputta?
[A] Gautam Buddha [B] Mahavira [C] Parshvanatha [D] Rishabha

  1. Which among the following is a Tamil grammatical treatise ?
[A] Pattupattu [B] Ettutogai [C] Silappadikaram [D] Tolkappiam
Ans. Tolkappiam

  1. Veda which is partly in prose and partly in verses is ___ ?
[A] Rigveda [B] Samaveda [C] Yajurveda [D] Atharvaveda
Ans. Yajurveda

  1. In which century, the Rajatarangini of Kalhana was composed?
[A] The eleventh century [B] The twelfth century [C] The thirteenth century [D] The tenth century
Ans.The twelfth century

  1. Who among the following authors is known for his satires exposing the evils of contemporary society ? [A] Ksemendra [B] Pravarsena [C] Sriharsa [D] Visakhadutta
    Ans. Ksemendra
  2. Vallabhi era is identical with which of the following era?
[A] The Vikrama era [B] The Gupta era [C] The Harsha era [D] None of the above
Ans. The Gupta era

  1. According to the beliefs of the Pasupata sect, Siva is the lord of Pasu. Pasu here refers to __?
[A] Lion [B] Bull [C] Parvati [D] Jiva
Ans. Jiva

  1. In which among the following sacrifices, the sacrificial materials used was sura in Vedic Era?
[A] Agnistoma [B] Rajasuya [C] Sautramani [D] Vajapeya
Ans. Sautramani

  1. In the Rigvedic Dasrajan Yudha (Battle of Ten Kings) the Bharatas emerged winner at the bank of __?
[A] The Indus River [B] The Saraswati River [C] The Sutlej River [D] The Parushni River

Ans. The Parushni River

  1. Which among the following Hindu Painters was sent by Jahangir to portrait Shah Abbas-I of Persia ?
[A] Basawan [B] Bishan Das [C] Dasrath [D] Manohar
Ans. Bishan Das

  1. Arrange the following Chisti Saints in correct chronological order: 1. Sheikh Nizamuddin Aulia 2. Syed Muhammad Gesudaraz 3. Baba Farid Ganjshakar 4. Sheikh Nasiruddin Chirage-Delhi Select the correct answer from the code given below. Codes :
[A] 1, 2, 3, 4 [B] 4, 3, 2, 1 [C] 1, 3, 4, 2 [D] 3, 1, 4, 2
Ans. 3, 1, 4, 2

  1. Sayana, an important commentator on Vedas was associated with which among the following empires?
[A] Chola Empire [B] Vijayanagar Empire [C] Hoyasala Empire [D] Bahmani Empire
Ans. Vijayanagar Empire

  1. Which among the following temples does not belong to the Chola Empire?
[A] Brihadishwara [B] Koranganatha [C] Kailashanatha [D] Airavateshwar
Ans. Kailashanatha

  1. One of the incarnations of Vishnu is represented in art as raising the Earth from the Ocean. Identify Him from the given options:
[A] Kurma [B] Varaha [C] Matsya [D] Nrisingha
Ans. Varaha

  1. In context with the Mahayana Buddhism faith, the future Buddha is ___?
[A] Krakuchanda [B] Amitabha [C] Maitreya [D] Kanak Muni
Ans. Maitreya

  1. Santhara is a religious ritual related to ___?
[A] Jain [B] Saiva [C] Sakta [D] Vaishnava
Ans. Jain