India played responsible role in Afghan economic development




1.India played responsible role in Afghan economic development: US :-

America appreciates India’s work in Afghanistan He said that India has played a responsible role in the economic development of Afghanistan. Also, the tripartite cooperation between India and Afghanistan-US is not against Pakistan.

US senior diplomat Alice Wells said that India has played an important role in Afghanistan’s economic development and reconstruction for the last several years. The Afghan government has appreciated it. In the beginning of this month, Wales had gone to the Afghan capital to participate in the Kabul Process Summit.


2.Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged for a concessional and dependable financial system for solar projects :-

The establishment of the International Solar Coalition began in New Delhi. It has been organized by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President of France Emmanuel Macroon. The objective of the conference is to make a collective endeavor to overcome the crisis of climate change. In the conference, Prime Minister Narendra Modi called for a concessional rate and a trustworthy financial system to increase the proportion of solar energy in various energy sources.

Shri Modi mentioned the ten-point solar energy program. He said that all the countries should have affordable solar energy available. He also stressed on standardization and regulation. Shri Modi said that India has set a target of producing 175 gigawatt power from renewable energy sources by 2022. Referring to India’s commitment to solar energy, the Prime Minister said that India will provide training to member countries of the Solar Coalition and work as a mission to support research and development in this field.


3.French President Emanuel Macro insists on making more efforts in solar power sector :-

French President Immanuel Macroon said that the use of solar energy in the world is of great importance but there is still a lot to be done in this field. In the welcome speech, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said that India’s commitment to the International Solar Coalition is not only evidence of multi-national cooperation, but also shows its commitment to a better, sustainable and pollution free future. He said that India has contributed $ 20 million to the establishment of the International Solar Coalition Secretariat and also established the Solar Coalition Fund. Earlier, 61 countries signed the International Solar Coalition Formation Agreement and 32 countries ratified it.


4.India and France to give cooperation in the field of environmental protection Institutional forms :-

Union Minister Harsh Vardhan said that India and France have decided to form a Joint Working Group to institutionalize cooperation in the field of environmental protection. The Minister of Environment has held a delegation level talks on cooperation in the field of conservation of environment and biodiversity with the Minister of State for Environment and Inclusive Transformation, Brun Pravasan. Mr. Pearson is part of the team that came with the French President, Emmanuel Macroon, who came to India.

Shri Harsh Vardhan tweeted on Saturday, “India and France have decided to form a Joint Working Group to institutionalize cooperation in the field of environmental protection. French Minister Powersson said that this is an ambitious start and India-France should overcome the obstacles in the path to strengthen cooperation.


5.China’s parliament cleared the way for the president to become the lifelong president of the current president, Xi Xinfenging :-

China’s parliament has cleared the way for the president to become the lifelong president of the current president, Xi Xinfing, by finishing the two-term limit. This constitution amendment was approved by a two-thirds majority in the annual meeting of China’s Parliament-National People’s Congress in Capital Peiching. As President, the second term of 64-year-old Shi Chinfing was to end in 2023.


6.The International Monetary Fund said that the Indian economy is recovering from the temporary barriers to the ban on cancellation and adoption of GST :-

The International Monetary Fund has said that India’s economy is recovering from the interruptions arising on the ban of banknotes and commodity and service tax-GST system. In a meeting with the news agency PTI, International Monetary Fund Deputy Managing Director Tao Chang said that the Indian economy has been strengthened in recent years. He said that the country’s economy has increased by seven percentage point two percent in the last quarter and India has become a country with rising economy at the fast pace of the world.


7.Rohan Bopanna and his French counterparts outside the Indian Wells Masters Tennis Tournament in California :-

Rohan Bopanna and his French partner Edouard Roger Veselin are out of the Indian Wells Masters Tennis Championships in California. Rohan Bopanna was only participating in India’s doubles match.