1. WHIM (NOUN): sudden idea

Synonyms: inclination, vagary

Antonyms: truth, reality

Example Sentence: His instinct paid off as he picked the winning horse on a whim.


  1. PROGNOSIS (NOUN): forecast

Synonyms: diagnosis, prediction

Antonyms: calculation, measurement

Example Sentence:  Due to the company’s financial prognosis, we will probably be out of business in less than one month.


  1. ENGENDER (VERB): induce

Synonyms: generate, breed

Antonyms: prevent, halt

Example Sentence:  Some people believe violent video games engender feelings of hostility in young people


  1. STAID (ADJECTIVE): decorous

Synonyms: dignified, composed

Antonyms: indecorous, frivolous

Example Sentence: She was given a staid title-‘The Iron Lady’.


  1. RIBALD (ADJECTIVE): bawdy

Synonyms: coarse, lewd

Antonyms: moral, sophisticated

Example Sentence: His class teacher sent Jim to the principal’s office after he told a ribald joke in class.



Synonyms: calumnious, defamatory

Antonyms: likeable, lovable

Example Sentence: His invidious acts caused the people to rise up against him.


  1. GLIB (ADJECTIVE): artful

Synonyms: facile, eloquent

Antonyms: quiet, silent

Example Sentence: The glib comments he made about the conflict reveals that he is not very well-informed about the subject.


  1. GRAVE (ADJECTIVE): serious

Synonyms: heavy, sedate

Antonyms: funny, silly

Example Sentence: Though the situation was grave, Yash tried to keep the hope.



Synonyms: dopey, opaque

Antonyms: bright, intelligent

Example Sentence: They have really been very obtuse and stupid.


  1. PERILOUS (ADJECTIVE): hazardous

Synonyms: precarious, threatening

Antonyms: safe, secure

Example Sentence: You should avoid driving during the snowstorm because the icy roads are perilous.