Topic Of The Day:-Outcomes Versus Promises

While Russia Is Seeking To Cement Its Relationship With India, The U.S. Wants India To Make Strategic Choices

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s whirlwind visit to Delhi earlier this month, lasting less than 24 hours, came just a month after the visits, in September, of U.S. Secretary of State Mike R. Pompeo and Defence Secretary James N. Mattis to participate in the 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue with their Indian counterparts, Sushma Swaraj and Nirmala Sitharaman.

Summit, dialogue

The summit between the Indian Prime Minister and the Russian President is now an annual event, the protocol having been agreed upon by Mr. Putin and Manmohan Singh in 2005. Summits have often led to spectacular breakthroughs — in the 2009 meeting between Dmitry Medvedev and Mr. Singh the log-jam in the long pending sale to India of the Russian aircraft carrier, Gorshkov (since renamed Vikramaditya) could be resolved and, in the latest instance, the inking of the $5.4 billion S-400 Triumf missile defence system. The recent 2+2 Dialogue between India and the U.S., on the other hand, is a new concept, and while it has been hailed as a path-breaking event paving the way for an avalanche of state-of-the art defence equipment from the U.S., the outcomes from this initial meet were clearly dwarfed by what took place during Mr. Putin’s visit.

The 2+2 Dialogue — a format the U.S. employs with some of its closest allies including Japan and Australia — has given the impression that India has come within the U.S. orbit of influence, detaching itself further from Russia. This impression is further heightened by India signing on to the Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement (COMCASA) recently. Lost in translation, however, is that India still fancies a close relationship with Russia, one of its and most dependable allies.

A comparison of the Putin-Modi summit outcome with the promises made during the 2+2 Dialogue can hardly be a true index of what lies in the future. It may, nevertheless, be worth undertaking. The summit’s mega missile defence deal clearly took the shine off any promises made at the 2+2 Dialogue regarding future defence acquisitions from the U.S. Russia’s S-400 Triumf, possibly the best missile defence system in the world, comes with no strings attached. There is no Russian equivalent of the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) in place. The S-400 Triumf can be deployed against all enemies, irrespective of any other defence choices that India might have.


1) whirlwind

Meaning : used with reference to a very energetic person or a tumultuous process.(n)

Synonyms : hurricane

Example : “a whirlwind of activity”(n)

2) paving

Meaning : a surface made up of flat stones laid in a pattern.(n)

Synonyms : curbside

Antonyms : artifact

Example : “weeds had forced their way up through the cracked paving”(n)

3) avalanche

Meaning : a mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside.(n)

Synonyms : fall

Antonyms : increase

Example : “he was swept to his death by an avalanche in 1988”(n)

4) hailed

Meaning : (of a large number of objects) fall or be hurled forcefully.(v)

Synonyms : herald

Antonyms : dishonor

Example : “missiles and bombs hail down from the sky”(v)

5) dwarfed

Meaning : cause to seem small or insignificant in comparison.

Synonyms : dominate

Antonyms : unavailability

Example : “the buildings surround and dwarf All Saints church”

6) detaching

Meaning : disengage (something or part of something) and remove it.(v)

Synonyms : unbind

Antonyms : arrive

Example : “he detached the front lamp from its bracket”(v)

7) nevertheless

Meaning : in spite of that; notwithstanding; all the same.(adv)

Synonyms : nonetheless

Antonyms : agitate

Example : “statements which, although literally true, are nevertheless misleading”(adv)

8) acquisitions

Meaning : an asset or object bought or obtained, typically by a library or museum.(n)

Synonyms : procural , taking over

Antonyms : rejection

Example : “the legacy will be used for new acquisitions”(n)

9) deployed

Meaning : move (troops or equipment) into position for military action.(v)

Synonyms : position

Antonyms : take

Example : “forces were deployed at strategic locations”(v)