Topic of the day:-“No clarification”

Mr. Sirisena’s address to the nation on Sunday did not clarify the constitutional issue at hand. He cited political and personal reasons why he could not partner with Mr. Wickremesinghe as the PM. But his assertion that he acted fully in accordance with the Constitution is only a claim. It awaits clarification. What is in dispute is not the total breakdown of relationship between the two leaders, leading to a collapse of their coalition. What is in doubt is the constitutionality of a series of actions by Mr. Sirisena on Friday. And if they are valid at all, they set a bad precedence for future constitutional governance in Sri Lanka. Contrary to the letter and spirit of the 19th Amendment, no PM will be secure in his/her position against arbitrary dismissal by the President. These circumstances also warrant judicial intervention to resolve the constitutional doubt.

Amidst this, the political dispute between the new coalition (Sirisena-Rajapaksa) and the Wickremesinghe led-United National Party (UNP) has now reached a stage of open confrontation. Mr. Wickremesinghe has refused the leave the office of PM as well as the official residence in Colombo. Speaker Karu Jayasuriya has written to Mr. Sirisena demanding that the rights and privileges of Mr. Wickremesinghe be protected, “until any other person emerged from within Parliament as having secured the confidence of Parliament”. The Speaker has implicitly acknowledged that Mr. Wickremesinghe is still the constitutionally legitimate PM.

Obviously, Mr. Wickremesinghe and the UNP want to take the battle to Parliament where the UNP feels that it can secure majority support. Meanwhile, Parliament has been prorogued by the President till November 16. As the numbers stand at present, Mr. Rajapaksa does not enjoy a majority in Parliament. The time left ahead will give Mr. Sirisena and the new PM enough time and space for horse trading. Ranged against this formidable combine that has been consolidating its grip on state power and institutions since Friday, are Mr. Wickremesinghe and the UNP who have only limited options — testing his floor strength, bringing a motion against Mr. Rajapaksa, and political defiance. He can also go to the Supreme Court.

If the UNP does so, the Supreme Court, which has been on a path to regaining its institutional independence and autonomy, will be called upon to adjudicate over a very sensitive power struggle among top politicians. The days ahead could be trying time for the judiciary as well.


1) spectacular

Meaning : beautiful in a dramatic and eye-catching way.(adj)

Tamil Meaning : கண்கவர்

Synonyms : splendid

Antonyms : regular

Example : “spectacular mountain scenery”(adj)

2) wrath

Meaning : extreme anger.(n)

Tamil Meaning : கோபம்

Synonyms : anger

Antonyms : calmness

Example : “he hid his pipe for fear of incurring his father’s wrath”(n)

3) rue

Meaning : bitterly regret (something one has done or allowed to happen) and wish it undone.(v)

Tamil Meaning : வருத்தப்படு

Synonyms : regret

Antonyms : jollity

Example : “Ferguson will rue the day he turned down that offer”

4) insurmountable

Meaning : too great to be overcome.(adj)

Synonyms : scale conquer

Antonyms : surrender

Example : “an insurmountable problem”

5) irked

Meaning : irritate; annoy.

Tamil Meaning : தொல்லை கொடு

Synonyms : annoy

Antonyms : irritate

Example : “it irks her to think of the runaround she received”

6) hobble

Meaning : walk in an awkward way, typically because of pain from an injury.(v)

Synonyms : stumble, hamper

Antonyms : stride

Example : “he was hobbling around on crutches”

7) tussle

Meaning : a vigorous struggle or scuffle, typically in order to obtain or achieve something.(n), engage in a vigorous struggle or scuffle.(v)

Synonyms : struggle

Antonyms : agreement

Example : “there was a tussle for the ball”

8) turf

Meaning : grass and the surface layer of earth held together by its roots.(n) , force (someone) to leave somewhere.(v)

Tamil Meaning : தரை

Synonyms : field

Antonyms : lodge

Example : “they walked across the springy turf”

9) adjudicate

Meaning : make a formal judgement on a disputed matter.(v)

Tamil Meaning : தீர்ப்பளிப்பதை

Synonyms : decide

Antonyms : defer

Example : “the Committee adjudicates on all betting disputes”

10) resolution

Meaning : a firm decision to do or not to do something.

Tamil Meaning : தீர்மானம்

Synonyms : determination

Antonyms : hesitation

Example : “she kept her resolution not to see Anne any more”

11) perspective

Meaning : a particular attitude towards or way of regarding something; a point of view.(n)

Tamil Meaning : முன்னோக்கு

Synonyms : position

Antonyms : hopeless

Example : “most guidebook history is written from the editor’s perspective”

12) sack

Meaning : dismiss from employment.(v)

Synonyms : discharge

Antonyms : employ

Example : “any official found to be involved would be sacked on the spot”

13) rival

Meaning : a person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in the same field of activity.(n)

Tamil Meaning : போட்டி

Synonyms : opponent

Antonyms : collaborate

Example : “he has no serious rival for the job”

14) dispute

Meaning : a disagreement or argument.

Tamil Meaning : சர்ச்சை

Synonyms : conflict

Antonyms : bear

Example : “a territorial dispute between the two countries”

15) precedent

Meaning : an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.(n)

Tamil Meaning : முன்னோடி

Synonyms : antecedent

Antonyms : after

Example : “there are substantial precedents for using interactive media in training”