Difference between Public Bill and Private Bill


Difference between Public Bill and Private Bill


The legislative procedure is identical in both the Houses of Parliament. Every bill has to pass through the same procedure in each House. A bill is a proposal for legislation and it becomes an act or law when duly passed by the both houses of the parliament and signed by the president of India. Public Bill is presented in parliament

by a minister only while private bill can be presented by any member of parliament.

Private Bill: A private bill is a proposal for a law that would apply to a particular individual or group of individuals, or corporate entity. Private law can provide relief from another law, grant a special benefit or powers not available under the present law, or relieve someone from legal responsibility for some allegedly wrongful act. 
    A private bill is not to be confused with a private member’s bill. A private bill is just introduced in the legislature by a member of the house not by the minister of ruling party.

Here are some differences between these two bills given below:

Public Bill Private Bill
1. It is introduced in the parliament by a minister. 1. It can be introduced by any member of the parliament other than a minister.
2. It reflects the policies of the government (ruling party). 2. It reflects the mood of the political party on the public matter.
3. It has greater chance to be passed by the parliament. 3. It is less likely to be passed by the parliament.
4. Its rejection in the lower house of the parliament may lead to the resignation of the while cabinet. 4. Its rejection by the house has no implication on the parliamentary confidence of the ruling party.
5. Its introduction in the house requires 7 days notice. 5. Its introduction in the house requires one month’s.
6. It is drafted by the concerned department in consultation with the law department. 6. Its drafting is the responsibility of the members concerned.

At the macro level analysis; bills introduced in the parliament are categorized in 4 categories i.e. Ordinary bills, Money bills, financial bills and Constitution amendment bills.

1.Ordinary bills, which are concerned with any matter other than financial subjects.

  1. Money bills,which are concerned with the financial matters like taxation, public expenditure etc.
  2. Financial bills,which are also concerned with financial matters (but are different from money bills).
  3. Constitution amendment bills which are concerned with the amendment of the provisions of the Constitution.

Comparing Parliamentary and Presidential Systems in India –

Parliamentary System Presidential System
Features: Features:
1. Dual Executive.

2. Majority party rule

3.Collective Responsibility

4. Political Homogeneity

5. Double Membership

6. Leadership of prime minister.

7. Dissolution of Lower House.

8. Fusion of powers.

1. Single executive

2. President and legislators  elected separately for a fixed term

3. Non- Responsibility

4. Single Membership

5. Domination of president

6. No dissolution of lower house

7. Separation of powers

Merits Demerits
1. Harmony between legislature and executive. 1. Conflict between legislature and executive.
2. Responsible government. 2. Non-responsible government.
3. Prevents despotism. 3. May lead to autocracy.
4. Wide representation. 4. Narrow representation.
Demerits: Merits
1. Unstable government. 1. Stable government.
2. No continuity of policies. 2. Definiteness in policies.
3. Against separation of powers 3. Based on separation of powers.
4. Government by amateurs. 4. Government by experts