Dr. Jitendra Singh has given a certificate to the ministries performing well in the complaint resolution on the Public Grievance Portal



  1. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Shi Chinfing stressed the need to maintain peace in border areas of India and China :- The informal talks between the two leaders continued along with the side of the East Lake between the growing mutual reconciliation between Prime Minister Modi and the Chinese President. After the talks, both the leaders were also happy seeing tea during Pi and Boekha Vihar. Both leaders have emphasized the need to improve mutual relations and to strengthen relations at the civil level. In the time of day meal, only two leaders were present. This was the last round of informal talks between the two leaders. Souravakyak with wrestler Rajesh Jha for Akashwani news After completing a two-day visit to China, the Prime Minister has left for New Delhi.


  1. In the financial year 2018-19, the country’s economic growth rate is estimated to be at least 7.5 percent – the Deputy Chairman of the Policy Commission :-Policy Commission Deputy Chairman Rajiv Kumar has said that due to the increase in investment and capacity utilization, the economic growth rate of the country is expected to be at least 7.5 percent in 2018-19. He said that now the government should concentrate on consolidating the reform initiatives initiated in the last 47 months.


  1. UK court accepted most of the evidence submitted by Central Bureau of Investigation in connection with extradition of businessman Vijay Mallya :- Central Investigation Bureau CB There was a  fugitive introduced on most evidence in connection with businessman Vijay Mallya extradition British court has accepted. Mallya is being tried to bring India to face the allegations of money laundering and fraud of ninety billion rupees. Meanwhile , the date of the next hearing has been extended till July  11 . In the next two months, oral arguments will be given in the Westminster Magistrate’s court. After that the court will hear its verdict in this case .


  1. Uttarakhand High Court declares solitary confinement unconstitutional :-Uttarakhand High  court Court has declared unconstitutional solitary confinement. Court Yaymurthy Rajiv Sharma, Alok Singh bench said joint  the National Trash court in accordance with the minimum standard rules prisoner only exception shall result may be placed alone in the dungeon as a last resort in case. Usually the punishment Is it should not be used. SECTION D bench said it STANDBY the punishment mentioned basic human rights, which does not own the field, but because of the torture is skipping.  


  1. UN appointed the special envoy of Switzerland to Christine Bergner of Myanmar :- United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Gutarez has appointed Christine Bergner of Switzerland as her new special envoy in Myanmar. Before the appointment , Burgner was the ambassador of Switzerland from Germany in 2015 . Burger has more than 25 years of experience as a diplomat and he has been in high level government positions in the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.


  1. Explanation on estimates of toilets cost under Swachh Bharat Mission :-It has come to the notice of Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation , Swachh Bharat Mission that some incorrect estimates of cost of toilets built under ‘SBM-G’ are being circulated on social media and should be given in print and electronic media. Have been there.


  1. Announces Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Scholarship for the People of Indian Origin, who has done exemplary work for development journalism :- Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Smt. Jubin Irani addressed the 69th Conclave session of the Development Journalism Course of the Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC), New Delhi today. On this occasion, he announced a scholarship of Rs 25,000 in memory of Deen Dayal Upadhyay for the people of Indian origin who have done exemplary work for development journalism. He also gave certificates to 25 students associated with development journalism of 16 countries. On this occasion Mrs. Irani inaugurated the National Media Faculty Center in the IIMC Complex. They launched ECHO newsletters, news media and communicator magazines.


  1. Regulation of production, sale and import of oxytocin in India :- The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has limited the production of oxytocin formulations to the domestic use of the public sector only. It has restricted the import of oxytocin and its formulations. The High Court of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla had commented on the decision of 15.03.2016 of the CWPIL number 16, titled ‘Court on its own,’ versus Himachal Pradesh and the other versus ‘Court on its own proposition’, that the secret of oxytocin drug in a big way Production and sales are being done, which is being widely misused, which is harmful to humans and animals. The court also commented that the probability of keeping oxytocene production to public sector companies should only be considered.


  1. Dr. Jitendra Singh has given a certificate to the ministries performing well in the complaint resolution on the Public Grievance Portal :- Union Minister of State for North Eastern Region (Independent Charge), Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office, Minister of Personnel, Public Grievances, Pension, Atomic Energy and Minister of State, Dr. Jitendra Singh, today gave a great demonstration in the Centralized Public Grievance Solutions and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) Provided the Certificate of Commendation to the Ministry / Departments. On this occasion, Dr. Jitendra Singh said that the number of complaints lodged exceeded 16 lakhs per year. Complaints received by the government have increased manifold, because the department is responded promptly and the confidence of the people in the government is restored again. Dr. Jitendra Singh said that the deadline for redressal of grievances has been fixed, But many complaints are recorded due to lack of awareness. He said that people should be educated about the process of lodging the complaints and people should be told that the information is publicly available.


  1. Information and Broadcasting Minister of Indian Institute of Mass Communication- IIMC National Media Faculty Development Center Inaugurated :-Information and Broadcasting Minister Smriti Irani in New Delhi,  Institute of Indian Institute of Mass Communication- IIMC Inaugurated the National Media Faculty Development Center. On this occasion Mrs. Irani provided prizes and certificates to 24 students of 16 developing countries who completed the course in the field of Developmental Journalism . Mrs. Irani also announced the scholarship for talented Indian students working on developmental journalism in the name of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay.