DIRECTIONS [Q1 to Q14]: In each of the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active (or Passive) Voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive (or Active) voice.

Q1. He took to (a) / reading Times (b) / for better knowledge (c) / of the facts (d) / No error (e)

  1. he took to
  2. reading times
  3. for better knowledge
  4. of the factsE. no error


Q2. As soon as the teacher entered (a) / everyone fell (b) / in a silence (c) / No error (d)

  1. as soon as the teacher entered
  2. everyone fell
  3. in a silence
  4. no error


Q3. No stronger (a) / a figure than his (b) / prescribed in the history (c) / No error (d)

  1. no stronger
  2. a figure than his
  3. prescribed in the history
  4. no error


Q4. I am not wealthy (a) / so I cannot afford (b) / to buy a expensive car (c) / No error (d)

  1. i am not wealthy
  2. so I cannot afford
  3. to buy a expensive car
  4. no error


Q5. Most people would have (a) / attended the union meeting (b) / if they had (c) / had longer notice of it (d) / No error (e)

  1. most people would have
  2. attended the union meeting
  3. if they had
  4. had longer notice of it
  5. no error


Q6. On my request (a) / Shalu introduced me (b) / to his friend (c) / who it singer and a scientist (d) / No error (e)

  1. on my request
  2. shalu introduced me
  3. to his friend
  4. who it singer and a scientist
  5. no error


Q7. This town isn’t very well known (a) / and there isn’t much to see (b) / so a few tourists come here (c) / No error (d)

  1. this town isn’t very well known
  2. and there isn’t much to see
  3. so a few tourists come here
  4. no error


Q8. The road (a) / to famous monument (b) / passes through a forest (c) / No error (d)

  1. the road
  2. to famous monument
  3. passes through a forest
  4. no error


Q9. These display (a) / the (b) / remarkable variety (c) / No error (d)

  1. these display
  2. the
  3. remarkable variety
  4. no error


Q10. As I was to reach (a) / early I left in aeroplane (b) / instead of (c) / going by train (d) / No error (e)

  1. as i was to reach
  2. early I left in aeroplane
  3. instead ofD. going by train
  4. no error


Q11. The Interviewer asked me (a) / if I knew that (b) / Kalidas was the greater (c) / than any other poet (d) / No error (e)

  1. the Interviewer asked me
  2. if I knew thatC. Kalidas was the greater
  3. than any other poet
  4. no error


Q12. According to the Bible (a) / it is meek and humble (b) / who shall inherit the earth (c) / No error (d)

  1. according to the Bible
  2. it is meek and humble
  3. who shall inherit the earth
  4. no error


Q13. It being rainy day (a) / we decided not to go out (b) / but to stay at home (c) / and watch a movie (d) / No error (e)

  1. it being rainy day
  2. we decided not to go out
  3. but to stay at home
  4. and watch a movie
  5. no error


Q14. This candidate lacks (a) / an experience (b) / otherwise he is well qualified (c) / No error (d)

  1. this candidate lacks
  2. an experience
  3. otherwise he is well qualified
  4. no error


DIRECTIONS[ Q15 to Q20]: Choose the word or phrase which is nearest in meaning to the key word.

Q15. Gruesome

  1. Tragic
  2. Painful
  3. Frightful
  4. Hateful


Q16. Niggard

  1. Loyal
  2. Miser
  3. Shrewd
  4. Divine


Q17. Garner

  1. Collect
  2. Preserve
  3. Decorate
  4. Distribute


Q18. Recover

  1. Heal
  2. Return
  3. Revive
  4. Recoup


Q19. Limp

  1. Falter
  2. Bend
  3. Stoop
  4. Kneel


Q20. Haggle

  1. Accept
  2. Reject
  3. Bargain
  4. Postpone