DIRECTION: In questions given below, a part of the sentence is italicized and underlined. Below are given alternatives to the italicized part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, option ‘D’ is the answer.

1. The workers are hell bent at getting what is due to them.
A. hell bent on getting
B. hell bent for getting
C. hell bent upon getting
D. No improvement

2. When it was feared that the serfs might go too far and gain their freedom from serfdom, the protestant leaders joined the princes at crushing them.
A. into crushing
B. in crushing
C. without crushing
D. No improvement

3. If the room had been brighter, I would have been able to read for a while before bed time.
A. If the room was brighter
B. If the room are brighter
C. Had the room been brighter
D. No improvement

4. The record for the biggest tiger hunt has not been met since 1911 when Lord Hardinge. Then Viceroy of India, shot a tiger than measured 11 feet and 6 inches.
A. improved
B. broken
C. bettered
D. No improvement

5. His powerful desire brought about his downfall.
A. His intense desire
B. His desire for power
C. His fatal desire
D. No improvement

6. Will you kindly open the knot?
A. untie
B. break
C. loose
D. No improvement

7. He sent a word to me that he would be coming late.
A. sent word
B. had sent a word
C. sent words
D. No improvement

8. John had told me that he hasn’t done it yet.
A. told
B. tells
C. was telling
D. No improvement

9. If he had time he will call you.
A. would have
B. would have had
C. has
D. No improvement

10. Will you lend me few rupees in this hour of need?
A. lend me any rupees
B. borrow me a few rupees
C. lend me a few rupees
D. No improvement

11. During his long discourse, he did not touch that point.
A. touch upon
B. touch on
C. touch of
D. No improvement

12. He found a wooden broken chair in the room.
A. wooden and broken chair
B. broken wooden chair
C. broken and wooden chair
D. No improvement

13. He could not look anything in the dark room.
A. look at
B. see
C. see through
D. No improvement

14. The greatest thing in style is to have a use of metaphor.
A. knowledge
B. command
C. need
D. No improvement

15. While crossing the highway a five year old child was knocked out by a passing car.
A. away
B. up
C. down
D. No improvement

16. Hoping not to be disturbed, I sat down in my easy chair to read the book. I won as a prize.
A. I had won as a prize
B. I have won as prize
C. I had to win as a prize
D. No improvement

17. More than one person was killed in accident.
A. were killed
B. are killed
C. have been killed
D. No improvement

18. No one could explain how a calm and balanced person like him could penetrate such a mindless act on his friends.
A. perpetuate
B. perpetrate
C. precipitate
D. No improvement

19. Five years ago today, I am sitting in a small Japanese car, driving across Poland towards Berlin.
A. was sitting
B. sat
C. have been sitting
D. No improvement

20. I took the cycle which he bought yesterday.
A. that he bought yesterday
B. that which he had bought yesterday
C. that he had bought yesterday
D. No improvement

1. C
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. B
14. A
15. C
16. A
17. D
18. B
19. A
20. C