Problem areas “

New problem areas have continued to arise particularly over the Irish question, which has proved to be one of the issues hardest to resolve at the heart of Brexit. Leaving the single market and the customs union would result in a “hard” border on the island of Ireland, jeopardising the fragile peace process under way that has heavily relied on the fluid boundary and deep economic and social links. With the May government’s Northern Irish ally, the DUP, heavily opposed to anything that results in a different regulatory or customs regime in Northern Ireland and the rest of the U.K., options for an innovative solution are extremely limited. Business groups have become more and more vocal over their concerns, with Airbus warning that its future in the U.K. was at stake under a no-deal scenario, while the Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders, which represents the auto industry, said that investment was already taking a hit from the uncertainty around Brexit. “With every week that passes, new facts emerge that no one knew about during the referendum,” warned Labour MP and People’s Vote advocate Chuka Umunna earlier this month.

Further complicating matters have been questions over Vote Leave, and Leave.EU, another of the major Brexit campaign groups. Last month, the Electoral Commission fined Leave.EU £70,000 for breaking spending rules during the referendum, while its investigation into spending by Vote Leave is due to be published next month. A draft version of the report had concluded that rules had been flouted, the BBC recently reported.

However, not everyone is convinced of the role of referendums: if a referendum on such a crucial issue lay at the heart of the problem, would pushing for another one be the right road ahead? Would gaining a meaningful say for Parliament be a better focal point?

Whether Parliament has been guaranteed a “meaningful say” depends on who one asks. Last week, the government managed to win support for its EU withdrawal bill after offering certain “assurances” to potential Conservative rebels around the role that Parliament would have. However, the extent to which those guarantees can be relied on remains unclear with some suggesting that the so-called “assurances” simply involved the government reiterating what was standard procedure already.

“Learning from the past”

In the meantime, the push for another referendum continues, but with a warning from some of its advocates. “If we are to succeed, we cannot repeat the mistakes of the past,” said Ms. Lucas at the rally, calling for the new campaign to avoid the pitfalls of the initial Remain campaign. This campaign had been dubbed “project fear” for its concentration on the economic dangers of leaving the EU, while its focus on enlisting top economists, politicians and others had led to leave campaigners whipping up the “anti-establishment” vote against them. “Our campaign must be radical, it must be young, it must be diverse; it must listen to people, empower them and create reasons for hope,” she said. “We must be different to win and we have to win.”



Meaning: Put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure.

Example: “A devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize New York’s position as a financial centre”

Synonyms: Endanger, Menace

Antonyms: Safeguard


Meaning: Easily harmed, damaged, or broken.

Example: “The fragile economy is under the pressure of floods at home and rising oil prices abroad”


Meaning: If situations, ideas, or plans are fluid, they are not fixed and are likely to change, often repeatedly and unexpectedly.

Example: “The military situation is still very fluid”


Meaning: A person or organization that cooperates with or helps another in a particular activity.

Example: “He was forced to dismiss his closest political ally”

Synonyms: Associate, Colleague

Antonyms: Enemy, Opponent


Meaning: A government, especially an authoritarian one.

Example: “Ideological opponents of the regime”

Synonyms: Government, Rule


Meaning: Expressing opinions or feelings freely or loudly.

Example: “He was vocal in condemning the action”

Synonyms: Vociferous, Outspoken

Antonyms: Taciturn, Reticent


Meaning: Openly disregard (a rule, law, or convention).

Example: “The advertising code is being flouted”

Synonyms: Defy, Scorn

Antonyms: Observe


Meaning: Cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of something.

Example: “Robert’s expression had obviously convinced her of his innocence”

Synonyms: Persuade, Satisfy


Meaning: A person who rises in opposition or armed resistance against an established government or leader.

Example: “Tory rebels”

Synonyms: Mutineer, Agitator


Meaning: Say something again or a number of times, typically for emphasis or clarity.

Example: “She reiterated that the government would remain steadfast in its support”

Synonyms: Repeat, Restate


Meaning: A hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty.

Example: “The pitfalls of buying goods at public auctions”

Synonyms: Hazard, Danger

Whipping up

Meaning: To encourage or cause people to have strong feelings about something.

Example: “She criticized the organization for trying to whip up anti-immigrant prejudice”.