- Ascariasis is caused by __.
A. Flat worm
B. Round worm
C. Protozoa
D. Porifera
(Ans – B)
- NERAMAC, which was seen in the recent stimulus package, is associated with which sector?
A. Agriculture
B. Health
C. Tourism
D. Sports
(Ans – A)
3 . Three persons are walking from a place A to another place B. Their speeds are in the ratio of 6: 7: 8 . What will be time ratio to reach B by these persons ?
A. 16: 17: 18
B. 28: 24: 21
C. 36: 47: 28
D. 26: 27:28
(Ans – B)
- A and B are married and of these A are male. A is D’s father, but D is not his daughter. E is the grand daughter of A. C has only one daughter. A is F’s father. B is the daughter-in-law of A and has only one child. The family consists of only two married couples and only six members.
How is B related to C?
B. Daughter
C. Daughter in law
D. Son in Law
(Ans – C)
5 . The best synonym for guard:
A. Stare
B. Protect
C. Make possible
D. Injure
(Ans – B)