1. Ornithology is the:


 A. Study of plants

 B. Study of bones

 C. Study of noise

 D. Study of birds


(Ans – D)


  1. Which is the major component of India’s foreign exchange reserves?


 A. Gold

 B. Foreign Currency assets

 C. SDR with IMF

 D. Reserve Position with IMF


(Ans – B)


  1. Due to a malfunction in the engine of a train, he moves at a speed of 25% of his actual speed, then he arrives at the destination 3 hours late. If it moves at the actual speed, in what time will it reach the destination?


 A. 9 Hour

 B. 12 Hour

 C. 6 Hour

 D. 10 Hour


(Ans – A)


  1. P is brother of Q. Q is brother of R. S is the father of P. On the basis of these three statements, which of the following statements cannot be definitely true?


 A. P./ Q, P का भाई है।

 B. P./ R, P का भाई है।

 C. R/ P, R का भाई है |

 D. R/ Q, R का भाई है।


(Ans – B)


  1. Which is a synonym of trite?


 A. Untrue

 B. Lovely

 C. Stale

 D. Tiny


(Ans – C)