Synonyms: simultaneous, contemporary

Antonyms: different, separate

Example Sentence: The contemporaneous ringing of the ten phone lines kept the inexperienced receptionist very busy.


  1. SARTORIAL (ADJECTIVE): Pertaining to tailors

Synonyms: stylish, elegant

Antonyms: frumpy, dumpy

Example Sentence: Those sartorial coats made me chew the cud.


  1. CAULK (VERB): Secure

Synonyms: block, barricade

Antonyms: free, loosen

Example Sentence: He caulked me from a broken reed.


  1. TUTELARY (ADJECTIVE): Protecting

Synonyms: guardian, advisory

Antonyms: careless, inattentive

Example Sentence: He is using tutelary fabian policy in his company.


  1. PURGE (NOUN): Elimination

Synonyms: expulsion, extermination

Antonyms: keeping, holding

Example Sentence: Manoj was feeling shy of telling her about her purge from the contest.


  1. QUANTUM (NOUN): Quantity

Synonyms: sum, amount

Antonyms: part, whole

Example Sentence: While quantum energy could not be measured fully, the scientist continued to work on the experiment.


  1. PRECINCT (NOUN): Department

Synonyms: area, ward

Antonyms: whole, full

Example Sentence: I am working in this precinct.


  1. PROCLIVITY (NOUN): Inclination

Synonyms: penchant, predilection

Antonyms: dislike, hate

Example Sentence: Your proclivity towards him is getting on my nerves.


  1. PUNITIVE (ADJECTIVE): Retaliatory

Synonyms: vindictive, punishing

Antonyms: beneficial, rewarding

Example Sentence: Don’t be punitive otherwise you’ll get into a soup.


  1. QUIETUDE (NOUN): Calm

Synonyms: doldrums, hush

Antonyms: disturbance, agitation

Example Sentence: Be quietude don’t escape your lips.