1. AMPLE (ADJECTIVE):- abundant

Synonyms:- bountiful, copious           

Antonyms:– cramped, limited

Example Sentence:-Ample conversations are going on in the conference hall.


  1. AFFRAY (NOUN):- fight

Synonyms:- altercation, assault        

Antonyms:- harmony, peace

Example Sentence:-Anusha was charged with causing an affray.


  1. AMASS (VERB):- collect

Synonyms:- gather, accumulate                

Antonyms:- disperse, divide

Example Sentence:-Teacher ordered the students to amass in the playground.


  1. ALLEGE (VERB):- charge

Synonyms:- depose, testify               

Antonyms:- deny, withhold

Example Sentence:-He was alleged with criminal contention.


  1. ACRIMONIOUS (ADJECTIVE):- belligerent

Synonyms:-caustic, bitter      

Antonyms:- mild, kind

Example Sentence:-Why do we let acrimonious discussions get in the way of our work?


  1. ACME (NOUN):- pinnacle of achievement

Synonyms:- optimum, peak      

Antonyms:- base, nadir

Example Sentence:-The team reached its acme when it won the world cup.



Synonyms:-additional, supplementary             

Antonyms:-necessary, needed

Example Sentence:-Don’t portray your ancillary skills, do as I say!


  1. ADJURE (VERB):- command

Synonyms:- beseech, entreat        

Antonyms:- reply, answer

Example Sentence:-He was adjured to stay at that place only.


  1. AMELIORATE (VERB):- make, become better

Synonyms:- mitigate, lighten        

Antonyms:- aggravate, intensify

Example Sentence:-His story ameliorated my pain.


  1. ADULATION (NOUN):- applause

Synonyms:- commendation, blandishment    

Antonyms:- abuse, criticism

Example Sentence:-His act of bravery was worth adulation.