- CRIPPLE (VERB): debilitate
Synonyms: undermine, paralyze
Antonyms: help, assist
Example Sentence: Many countries are crippled by their debts.
- ABSOLUTE (ADJECTIVE): unconditional
Synonyms: free, unabridged
Antonyms: limited, conditional
Example Sentence: I am bound with absolute moral pressures.
- RESILIENCE (NOUN): flexibility
Synonyms: elasticity, pliancy
Antonyms: obduracy, rigidity
Example Sentence: In spite of the violence in the country, industry there has shown a remarkable resilience.
- HARVEST (NOUN): accumulate
Synonyms: amass, collect
Antonyms: approval, sanction
Example Sentence: This year she had been afraid to harvest because of the dogs.
Synonyms: ample, lavish
Antonyms: meagre, scarce
Example Sentence: This building has bountiful rooms.
Synonyms: essential, crucial
Antonyms: inessential, unimportant
Example Sentence: Vaccination and Polio drops are both imperative measures towards nurturing a healthy child .
- LACK (NOUN): absence
Synonyms: dearth, inadequacy
Antonyms: affluence, abundance
Example Sentence: His voice was raspy from his own lack of sleep.
- VARIATION (NOUN): alteration
Synonyms: deviation, disparity
Antonyms: similarity, likeness
Example Sentence: Regional variations are seen in spoken language.
Synonyms: doubtful, jittery
Antonyms: certain, confident
Example Sentence: He felt apprehensive about going home.
- SPUR (NOUN): activation
Synonyms: catalyst, excitant
Antonyms: prevention, curb
Example Sentence: Wars act as a spur to real invention.