Vocab Of The Day



  1. CLIP (VERB): prune

Synonyms: mow, shave

Antonyms: expand, extend

Example Sentence: He clipped the extra framework.

  1. ETHNIC (ADJECTIVE): traditional

Synonyms: indigenous, native

Antonyms: alien, foreign

Example Sentence: I like the ethnic prints on the kurta.

  1. SPIRAL (ADJECTIVE): twisted

Synonyms: circling, coiled

Antonym: unwinding, straight

Example Sentence: He lives in a spiral building.

  1. GREET (VERB): welcome

Synonyms: accost, embrace

Antonyms: avoid, dodge

Example Sentence: My aunt warmly greeted my mother.

  1. SEMBLANCE (NOUN): appearance

Synonyms: aspect, show

Antonyms: unlikeness, change

Example Sentence: An hour into the thriller movie, a semblance of a complex plot finally emerged.

  1. CONFRONTATION (NOUN): conflict

Synonyms: battle, crisis

Antonyms: agreement, peace

Example Sentence: He faced a great confrontation.

  1. PURVIEW (NOUN): ken

Synonyms: acumen, awareness

Antonyms: misconception, ignorance

Example Sentence: The captain does not have purview over those who are not under his military command.

  1. INTERVENE (VERB): interfere

Synonyms: meddle, intercede

Antonyms: disregard, ignore

Example Sentence: Don’t intervene in between!

  1. REFRAIN (VERB): hold back

Synonyms: desist, withhold

Antonyms: allow, encourage

Example sentence: He was refrained from talking.

  1. INSIDIOUS (ADJECTIVE): dangerous

Synonyms: sneaky, crooked

Antonyms: honest, fair

Example Sentence: She has an insidious smile.