Whatsapp has introduced ‘Checkpoint Tipline’ to deal with fake reports



1.Despite the non-cooperation of the Chief Minister of Odisha, the NDA Government has made changes in the state with the Central Plans – Prime Minister Modi:-

Senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader and Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that the Center’s NDA The government has made a firm commitment to the welfare of the people of Odisha and runs development projects in the state. He accused Naveen Patnaik-led Odisha government of not cooperating with the Center in the matter of speeding up the development of the state.

Shri Modi appealed the people of the state to vote for the BJP government to be brought in both the central and the state. He said that Odisha should also repeat the history of 2017 in Uttar Pradesh and 2018 in Tripura.Referring to the government’s achievements, Shri Modi said that NDA During the five year tenure of the government, bank accounts of 1.44 million people were opened and arrangements for women’s protection were made by making toilets in 50 lakh houses. Nearly eight lakh poor families of Odisha have got home in the last five years. In Orissa, 24 lakh households have got free electricity connections. 40 lakh poor sisters of Odisha got free gas connections under the Ujjwala scheme. This is not Modi , these are Modi’s servants , all these things are due to your vote.Shri Modi said that more than 4 hundred Eklavya schools were opened with the aim of providing better education to tribal students.

He said that in the Congress rule, the middlemen earn huge profits and people had to leave in the other states after leaving the family.

2.Third edition of the bilateral marine exercises between the Indian Navy and the Royal Australians, Oseindex-19:- 

The third edition of the bilateral marine exercises between the Indian Navy and the Royal Australian Navy include HMAS Kenbara (L2) , Landing helicopter Dock, both fleet of Ociindaxe-19 , both fleet-HMAS New Castle (06) and HMAS Parametta (154) ; Conventional submarine HMAS Collins and Durance- Class Multi-Product Euler HMAS Success (OR 304) is going to begin with the arrival of Visakhapatnam on April 2, 2019. The objective of this exercise is to strengthen and strengthen inter-cooperation and inter-operability between the two navies, through providing opportunities for exchange of contacts and business ideas between the Indian Navy and the Royal Australian Navy.  According to the framework (FSC) envisaged for the security cooperation announced by the Prime Minister of India and the Prime Minister of Australia in 2014 , the first edition of the exercise was organized in Visakhapatnam in September 2015 as a sign of strengthening bilateral and defense cooperation between the two countries. went. Hosting the second edition of Practice Australia June 20l7 Frimantl in the had , which exercises with Indian Navy ships of the Eastern Fleet of the Royal Australian Navy ships and submarines.During World War I, there have been positive defense relations between India and Australia based on the long history of collaboration, including shared experiences with the Gallipoli trenches and the Western Front , which were jointly announced on the 2006 Memorandum of Defense Cooperation and the Security Assistance of 2009. New base was provided through  However, after the bilateral FSC in 2014, the security and security issues between the two countries gained momentum and thus saw a conscious and focused growth.

The complexity of binary marine practice has been increasing steadily in the four years since then. In the third edition, the three dimensional exercises centered on ASW will be included. Most bilateral units are participating in the bilateral exercise by the navies of the two countries. The increase in the scale of participation reflects the importance being given to this practice by both the countries , while increasing complexity is a sign of inter- operability between the two navies . Overall, this practice underlines the common objectives of the two countries to ensure good governance in the Vision Sagar (security and progress for all in the region) and the maritime region and united with friendly and harmonious countries. 

3.President Shri Ramnath Kovind led the delegation level talks in Chile and addressed students along with India’s Chilean trade forum at Chile University:- 

President invited Chile’s Sovereign wealth fund to invest in Indian infrastructure sector Chile India and Chile declare visa-free travel for Indian-American lawmakers End and signed memorandums of three agreements in the field of disability 

President Shri Ramnath Kovind reached Santiago, the capital of Chile, in the last phase of his visit to Croatia , Bolivia and Chile – on 30 March 2019 evening . On March 31 , 2019 , the President visited the Pablo Neruda Museum in Santiago. He donated a special pen made by that family to this museum which Gandhi encouraged to develop the first indigenous fountain pen in India. In the evening , the President addressed a meeting of Indian community and friends of India in a reception organized by Ms. Anita Nair, Ambassador of India to Chile. On this occasion, the President said that in our pursuit of development and progress- foreign Indian community is an invaluable partner.

L Apral , 20l9 the President Monumento al Libertador General Bernardo O ‘ expresses respect for Higgins. Later Mr Kovind ” La Moned received ” President arrived where Chilean President Sebastian Pinera Castle He was accorded a ceremonial welcome.  

The President led the delegation level talks held between the two sides. On this occasion, he said that trade relations between India and Chile are very good. But both countries can do a lot in this direction. Chile is India’s fifth largest trading partner in the Latin American region. Copper has contributed more than 85 percent of imports from Chile. We must diversify our business to further strengthen the business. In order to further strengthen bilateral relations, Chile has announced that it will allow visa-free entry for Indian nationals holding a valid US visa. Welcoming the Chilean decision, the President said that this will encourage cultural relations between the two countries.

The President thanked Chile for condemning the recent Pulwama terrorist attack. Both countries agreed to work together to strengthen global response to defeat and destroy all types of terrorism. India has also offered to train Chile’s armed forces in its flagship defense institutions, including courses of war and peace establishment. Both countries agreed to explore opportunities for other cooperation in the defense sector, including making defense equipment jointly under the Make in India program. During the delegation level talks , three MoUs in the field of Mining , Culture and Disability were signed. 

Addressing the India-Chile Business Roundtable in Santiago, President Shri Ramnath Kovind said that for India and Indian business , Chile is not just a market but it is a very important and long-term partner country of India. Chile is a major country of Latin America and the Pacific Coalition for India. The President said that both the countries will work together to expand their business sector and explore new ways for economic engagement. He said that we can cooperate in areas such as marine research and other scientific exploration. India is also eager to strengthen its cooperation with Chile in the space sector.

The President said that in the financial year 2017-18 , India earned FDI worth 62 billion US dollars (FDI) and it was considered one of the most popular investment destinations in the world. From the beginning of this century , Chilean companies have invested just US $  150 million in India . It needs to be improved. He said that there is a reputation in the big investment decisions of Chile’s two sovereign wealth funds. There may be investment opportunities for them in the Indian infrastructure sector. Together we can prepare investment products for Chile’s financial and social stabilization fund as well as its pension reserve fund. On the occasion of the banquet organized by the President of Chile, in his next program, he said that our bilateral agenda is very broad, from energy to security , and from yoga to outer space, we have to work a lot together. He wished that our mutual beneficial friendly relations of both countries strengthened and the progress of the people of both countries was progressing. President ” Gandhi for the Young ‘ addressed the students of the University of Chile on the subject and teachers.

On this occasion, the President said that Mahatma Gandhi was associated with all cultures and he took something from all the religions. He had deep faith in Hinduism but he was influenced by the ideas of Christianity , Buddhism , Jainism and Islam as well as thinkers such as Tolstoy , Ruskin and Thoreau. The President said that Mahatma Gandhi extended his concept of universal love to live with harmony with nature. They also promoted concepts that are now rooted in the sustainable development goals adopted by the United Nations.The President also said that Mahatma Gandhi was a special person. They inspired both East and West. They made new paths of human effort and simultaneously retained the power and sanctity of tradition and spiritual roots. For those who are now submerged in the sea of ​​doubt and disbelief, Gandhi’s life, his thoughts and philosophy will inspire him to gain inner strength and faith. Mahatma Gandhi was not only a human but an ideology, an institution which has been echoing for more than 100 years since its evolution. 

4.US approves sale of 24 MH 60 Romeo Seahawk helicopters to India:-

The Trump administration has approved the sale of 24 multi-role MH-60 Romeo Seahawk helicopters to India at an estimated cost of 2.4 billion US dollars, the State Department has said.It is considered the world’s most advanced maritime helicopter. The choppers will provide the Indian defence forces with the capability to perform anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare missions. The US government yesterday notified the Congress that it has approved the sale of the helicopters. In its notification, the State Department told the Congress that this proposed sale will support the foreign policy of the US by helping to strengthen the US-Indian strategic relationship.The proposed sale of the helicopters will not alter the basic military balance in the region, the statement added.



5.Algerian President Abdelaziz Butteflica will resign before the end of his mandate:-

Algerian President Abdelaziz Butteflica will resign before the end of his mandate on 28 April. A statement issued by the President’s Office said that the President will take steps to ensure that the state institutions continue to work during the transition period. Millions of Algerians have carried out 82- year-old Buttflika ‘s weekly protest to leave the post after almost 20 years in the office. In 2013 , he was rarely seen publicly after injury. Buttflika initially announced her candidacy for the fifth term , but withdrew her candidacy on March 11 and postponed the elections. – basically 18Slate in response to heavy opposition on April. Last week , the country’s powerful army chief proposed to start a constitutional process to declare Butteflika as unqualified for the post.



6.Whatsapp has introduced ‘Checkpoint Tipline’ to deal with fake reports:-

In order to deal with fake news before the general elections in the country, Whatsapp has presented the ‘Checkpoint Tipline’ on Tuesday. Through this, people can check the authenticity of the information they receive. ” This service has been introduced by India’s Media Skill Startup ‘Proto’, a company that owns WhatsApp on WhatsApp, said in a statement . This tipline will help in creating a database of incorrect information and rumors. It will be possible to study these inquiries for ‘checkpoints’ during the election. Checkpoint has been launched as a research project in which technical support is being given on behalf of WhatsApp. “The company said that people in the country can send wrong information or rumors to them at the checkpoint tipline at + 91-9643-000-888 of Whatsapp. Once a user submits this information to the tip line, Proto will notify the user by confirming the correct or false information on its certification center. With this confirmation, the user will know whether the message he got is correct , false , misleading or disputed.Proto’s Certification Center is able to confirm picture , video and written message. It can confirm Hindi , Telugu , Bengali and Malayalam language messages with English .