1. Never be late:

Try to be punctual. Don’t keep your preparations pending for eleventh hour. Go to the interview venue well ahead of time and be relaxed. That will keep you calm and lessen your nervousness. But that doesn’t mean you have to reach too early- that will dilute your presence and will make you feel less important. So, try to reach the place of interview just 10-15 minutes before your scheduled time.

2. Know about your employer:

This is very important. Do your own research about the employer you are going to face in the interview. There are ample chances the interview board may test your knowledge about the company where you are going to be employed. The more research you conduct, the more you will understand the employer, and better you’ll be able to answer interview questions.

3. Dress decently:

Plan out a wardrobe that is decent and strive for the most professional appearance you can accomplish. Wear clothes that are clean, bright and properly ironed. Keep accessories and jewelleries to a minimum. Don’t dress up like parties to look over gorgeous.

4. Switch off your mobile:

As you enter the interview room keep your mobile phone off or at best on a mute mode. While answering questions, maintain a straight eye contact with the interviewer. Do not chew or eat or drink anything at the time of interview. Keep your face smiling and answer things politely with confidence.

5. Do not use swear words:

While giving interview be particular about the words when you answer. Restrain yourself from using scurrilous languages about your previous employer. It may harm your impression and the chance of getting the job goes dimmer. Never show desperation for the job.

6. Ask insightful questions:

Study reveals that an employer makes judgement about an applicant’s interest in the job by whether or not the interviewee asks question. Smart job-seekers prepare questions to ask, days before the interview. Thus, even if the hiring manager was thorough in his or her discussions about the job opening and what is expected, you must ask a few questions. This shows that you have done your research and that you are curious.

7. Keep your CV factual:

State each and every fact in your CV that you believe to be true. Even a small falsehood in the CV can leave you embarrassed before the interview board. Do not try to exaggerate your profile with facts that are not true- as because the interview board may discuss over your CV and examine its genuineness.

8. Do not discuss personal stuff:

Be Cordial and professional with the interviewers. But do not try to be over friendly with them- sharing personal life and problems. This would turn out to be detrimental for your career. Do not be talkative- it may lighten your stature and obviously the chances of getting the job.

9. Behave in a decent way:

Always be disciplined and decent in your body language at the time of interview. Be gentle and show etiquette within the interview room. For example- do not take your seat till you are asked to. Do not ask for emoluments or leaves till you find some signs of confirmation of job and so on. Remember these behaviours count most and are very high scoring.

10. Be confident and optimistic:

There are a few candidates who show reluctance to go on the day of call or interview citing reasons that their written exams were not up to the mark or the interview was not satisfactory on his part etc. There are also some people who after discussing things with other candidates comprehend that they will not be selected. Come out of these situations as early as possible. These pessimistic ideas may leave you empty handed. So, be confident and have faith on yourself, because who knows what surprise life has for you.