1. COMMEMORATE (VERB): recall or show respect for

Synonyms:  memorize, celebrate  

Antonyms: ignore, neglect  

Example Sentence: All players will receive a championship ring to commemorate the team’s amazing season.


  1. UNPRECEDENTED (ADJECTIVE): never done or known before

Synonyms: bizarre, unique

Antonyms: common, familiar

Example Sentence: Before the storm, there was an unprecedented demand for food supplies that left many stores empty


  1. FLUX (NOUN): the action or process of flowing

Synonyms: alteration, flow        

Antonyms: constancy, stagnation    

Example Sentence: I never know how much I’ll pay for a gallon of fuel because gas prices are always in flux.


4.DISILLUSIONMENT (NOUN): disappointment from unexpected occurrence

Synonyms: adversity, chagrin

Antonyms: achievement, pleasure  

Example Sentence: There has been a sense of disillusionment on both sides about the present state of play in the relationship.


  1. CANDID (ADJECTIVE): truthful, straightforward

Synonyms: impartial, equitable   

Antonyms: biased, devious   

Example Sentence: Prevention from having candid conversations is required.


  1. CREVICE (NOUN): a crack

Synonyms: chink, fissure  

Antonyms: agreement, closure

Example Sentence: The Hawksbill feeds on sponges in the reef ecosystem and opens up crevices for other marine life to live in.


  1. LACKLUSTER (ADJECTIVE): lacking in force

Synonyms: blah, muted

Antonyms: bright, shiny  

Example Sentence: The new product achieved lackluster sales.


  1. GAZE (NOUN):  a steady intent look

Synonyms: peep, glaring   

Antonyms: ignorance, avoidance    

Example Sentence: The policeman gave me a penetrating gaze.


  1. TEMPTATION (NOUN): the desire to do something wrong or attract

Synonyms: decoy, seduction   

Antonyms: hatred, prevention

Example Sentence: He was under no temptation to commit suicide.


  1. ENTANGLE (VERB): cause to become twisted together  

Synonyms: entrap, bewilder   

Antonyms: enlighten, exclude    

Example Sentence: They might entangle Austria in a war with Russia.