Governors & Viceroys of India


Governors & Viceroys of India


  • The Regulating Act of 1773 created the office with the title of Governor-General of the Presidency of Fort William, or Governor-General of Bengal to be appointed by the Court of Directors of the East India Company (EIC).
  • The Government of India Act 1858 created the office of Secretary of State for India in 1858 to oversee the affairs of India,
  • Following the adoption of the Government of India Act of 1858, the Governor-General as representing the Crown became known as the Viceroy.
  • From the year 1858 onwards, the appointments of Governor-General of India were made by British Crown at the advice of Secretary of State for India.

List of Governors and Viceroys in British India –

Name Tenure of Office Notable Events
Warren Hastings 1774 – 1785 – Regulating Act of 1773 was introduced which brought
the dual government of Bengal to an end
– Supreme Council Of Bengal
– Asiatic Society of Bengal
– Stopped Mughal pension to Shah Alam II
– Stopped Diarchy in Bengal
– New Sanskrit School by Jonathan Deccan
– Moved Treasury from Murshidabad to Calcutta
– Bengal Gazette- First Indian newspaper published
– First Anglo-Maratha War (1775–82)
– Second Anglo-Mysore war (1780–84)
– First Rohilla War of 1773–1774
– Second Rohilla War 1779
– Experimentation on land settlements.
(1772-five years settlement, changed to 1 year in 1776)
– English Translation of Bhagwat Gita
John Macpherson 1785 – 1786 – He held the post temporarily
Lord Cornwallis 1786 – 1793 – Established lower courts and appellate courts
– Permanent Settlement in Bihar and Bengal in 1793. It was
an agreement between East India Company and Bengali landlords to
fix revenues to be raised from land.
– 3rd Mysore war
– Introduction of Cornwallis Code
– Introduction of Civil Services in India
– He introduced Police reforms according to which each district was
divided into 400 square miles and placed under a police superintendent.
John Shore 1793 – 1798 – Policy of Non-intervention
– Battle of Kharda between Nizam and Marathas (1795)
– Charter Act of 1793
Alured Clarke 1798 – 1798 – He held the post temporarily
Lord Wellesley 1798 – 1805 – Introduction of Subsidiary Alliance – a system to keep the Indian rulers
under control and to make British the supreme power
– Fourth Anglo Mysore War 1799
– Second Anglo-Maratha War (1803-05)
– He opened College to train the Company’s servants in Calcutta.
So, known as the Father of Civil Services in India.
– Fort William College at Calcutta
– Formation of Madras Presidency in 1801
Lord Cornwallis 1805 – 1805  – He held the post temporarily
Sir George Barlow 1805 – 1807 – Sepoy Mutiny at Vellore in which the Indian soldiers
killed many English officials
Lord Minto I 1807 – 1813 – Charter act of 1813
– Treaty of Amritsar, 1809 with Ranjit Singh
Lord Hastings 1813 – 1823 – Ended the policy of Non-intervention which was
followed by Sir John Shore
– Third Anglo-Maratha War (1816-1818)
– 1816, Treaty of Sagauli with Nepal
– Creation of Bombay Presidency in 1818
– Establishment of Ryotwari System in Madras and
– Mahalwari System in Central India, Punjab And Western UP
– He abolished the censorship of the press.
Lord Adam 1823 – 1823 – Licensing Regulations
Lord Amherst 1823 – 1828 – First Anglo-Burmese War (1824–26)
– Treaty of Yandabo, 1826
– Mutiny of Barrackpur (1824)
Lord Bayley 1828 – 1828 – He held the post temporarily
Lord William Bentinck 1828 – 1835 – First Governor General of India and was known as the
liberal Governor General
– Bengal Sati Regulation, 1829
– Charter Act, 1833
– Saint Helena Act 1833
– English Education Act 1835
– Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata
– He carried out social reforms such as the abolition of Sati Pratha
with the help of Rajaram Mohan Roy, Suppression of Thuggee.
– He made English as the language of higher education
– He also suppressed female infanticide and child sacrifice
Sir Charles Metcaffe 1835 – 1836 – Repealed 1823 Licensing Regulations
– He held the post temporarily and removed the
restriction on the Vernacular press.
Lord Auckland 1836 – 1842 – First Afghan War was fought in his reign.
Lord Ellen borough 1842 – 1844 – Successfully completed Afghan war and annexed Sindh
province for British in 1843
– Became first Governor General of India to be recalled for
defying the orders of the Court of Directors of East India Company.
– War with Gwalior (1843) occurred during his tenure.
Lord Wilberforce 1844 – 1844 – He held the post temporarily
Lord Hardinge 1844 – 1848 – The First Anglo-Sikh War (1845–46)
– The Second Anglo-Sikh War (1848–49)
– Treaty of Lahore
Lord Dalhousie 1848 – 1856 – Doctrine of Lapse
– Widow remarriage bill was passed
– Charles Wood Despatch which provided the proper system
of education from School to University
– Second Anglo-Burmese War (1852)
– First Railway line connecting Bombay and Thane
– First Telegraph Line was laid between Diamond Harbour to Calcutta
– Post Office Act, 1854
– Established Public Works Department
– Engineering College was established at Roorkee
– He made Shimla the summer capital
Lord Canning 1856 – 1862 – First Viceroy of India
– University of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras were set up in 1858
– Withdrew Doctrine of Lapse
– The revolt of 1857
– Hindu widow remarriage act 1856
– The Government of India Act, 1858
– Hindu Widows’ Remarriage Act, 1856
– Indian council act was passed in 1861
Lord Elgin 1862 – 1863 – Wahabi movement occurred during his tenure and get suppressed
Sir Robert Napier 1863 – 1863 – He held the post temporarily
Sir William T. Denison 1863 – 1864 – He held the post temporarily
Lord Lawrence 1864 – 1869 – Bhutan War
– Establishment of Shimla as India’s summer capital in 1863
– High Court was established at Calcutta, Bombay, and Madras in 1865
– He created Indian Forest Department
– Opened telegraph line with Europe.
– He introduced various reforms and became the member of Punjab
Board of Administration after the second Sikh war.
– He was known as the Savior of Punjab.
Lord Mayo 1869 – 1872 – Started financial decentralization in India
– He established Rajkot College in Kathiawar and Mayo College
in Ajmer for the Indian princess.
– First Census of India was held during his time in 1871.
– He organized the Statistical survey of India.
– He was the only Viceroy who was murdered in office
by a Pathan in Andaman in 1872.
Sir John Strachey 1872 – 1872 – He held the post temporarily
Lord Napier of Merchistoun 1872 – 1872 – He held the post temporarily
Lord Northbrook 1872 – 1876 – Visit of Prince of Wales in 1875 occurred
– Trial of Gaelcwar of Baroda occurred
– Kuka movement in Punjab occurred during his tenure.
Lord Lytton 1876 – 1880 – Second Anglo-Afghan War
– The Indians Act (1878)
– The Delhi Durbar was held on January 1 1877, to decorate
Queen Victoria with the title of Kaiser-i-hind.
– Statutory Civil Service in 1879. It was also laid down that the
candidates had to appear and pass the civil services examination
which began to be held in England. The maximum age for these
candidates was reduced from 21 to 19 years.
– Vernacular Press Act was passed in 1878.
Lord Ripon 1880 – 1884 – First Factory Act (1881), it prohibited the child labour
– Repeal of the Vernacular Press Act (1882)
– Ilbert Bill (1883)
– Age for the entry in Civil Service exam was raised to 21 years.
– Passed Local Self Government act in 1882
– He was also known as the father of Local Self Government in India
Lord Dufferin 1884 – 1888 – Formation of Indian National Congress
– Third Anglo-Burmese War
Lord Lansdowne 1888 – 1894 – Indian Council Act was passed in 1892.Second Factory
Act (1891) was passed during his time.
– He appointed Durand Commission to define a line between
British India and Afghanistan.
Lord Elgin II 1894 – 1899  – Two British officials assassinated by Chapekar brothers
(1897) during his tenure.
Lord Curzon 1899 – 1905 – Partition of Bengal (1905) into two provinces- Bengal and
East Bengal was done during his time.
– Passed the Ancient Monuments Act (1904), to restore India’s
cultural heritage. Thus, established Archeological Survey of India.
– Swadeshi movement was launched
Lord Minto 1905 – 1910 – Morley-Minto reform was passed in 1909
– Popularization of Anti-partition and Swadeshi movements
– Split in Congress in the annual session of 1907 in Surat occurred.
– Establishment of Muslim League by Aga Khan (1906).
Lord Hardinge 1910 – 1916 – Kind George V of England attended the Delhi Durbar in 1911
– Partition of Bengal was cancelled and capital shifted from Calcutta to Delhi in 1911.
– Gandhiji returned to India from South Africa in 1915
– Home Rule moment was launched by Annie Beasant
Lord Chelmsford 1916 – 1921 – August Declaration of 1917, after which the control over
the Indian Government would be transferred to Indian people.
– Rowlett Act 1919 was passed
– Montague-Chelmsford reform was passed
– Government of India Act 1919 was passed
– Jallianwala Bagh Massacre 1919 took place during his time
– Non- Cooperation and Khilafat movement took place
– Women’s University was founded at Poona in 1919
Lord Reading 1921 – 1926  – Suppressed of non-cooperation movement
– Chauri – Chaura incident took place
– Formation of Swaraj party
– Ahmedabad session of INS held in 1921.
– Rowlatt Act was repealed
Lord Irwin 1926 – 1931  – Simon commission visited India in 1928
– Dandi March was held in 1930
– Civil Disobedience movement launched in 1930
– Gandhi- Irwin pact was signed and First Round Table
Conference was held in 1931.
Lord Willington 1931 – 1936  – Poona Pact was signed
– Second and Third Round Table Conference was held during his time
– Communal Award started by British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald
– The government of India Act (1935) was passed.
Lord Linlithgow 1936 – 1943 – Government of India Act enforced in provinces
– Cripps Mission visited India in 1942
– Quit India movement was started in 1942
– Second World war took place in 1939
Lord Wavell 1943 – 1947 – Shimla Conference was held on June 25, 1945 between
Muslim League and Indian National Congress was failed
– Cabinet Mission Plan was launched in 1946.
– On December 09, 1946; first meeting of Constituent Assembly was held.
Lord Mountbatten 1947 – 1948 – Last Viceroy and first Governor General of free India
– Partition of India was done on June 3, 1947
– India Independent Act was passed on July 4, 1947 by British
Parliament. As per the Act India became independent on August 15, 1947.
– He was succeeded by C. Rajagopalachari, who was
the last Governor General of free India.


The Governor-General originally had power only over the Presidency of Fort William in Bengal. The Regulating Act, however, granted them additional powers relating to foreign affairs and defence. While the Governor-General thus became the controller of foreign policy in India, he was not the explicit head of British India.

Upon independence in August 1947, the title of Viceroys of India was abolished. The representative of the British Sovereign became known once again as the Governor-General. C. Rajagopalachari became the only Indian Governor-General. However, once India acquired independence, the Governor-General’s role became almost entirely ceremonial, with power being exercised on a day-to-day basis by the Indian cabinet. After the nation became a republic in 1950, the President of India continued to perform the same functions.