Tips on How to Prepare a Government Job Interview

  1. Cloths Must Match Your Personality

Attire must match your personality. If you are dark then wear light colored clothes, if you are fair then you can wear dark colored clothes.

  1. Remember its Personality not the Physique

In a govt job interview or any other interview it is your personality that matters not physique. We talk about this issue later in this blog post.

  1. Do NOT Try to be Glamorous

KIS. It means keep it simple. Do not try to look glamorous. Remember, mediocrity is the best.

  1. Resume Must be Short, Simple & Elegant

Now, comes the resume, which is also an important part of an interview. Design resume which is short, simple & elegant.

  1. Do NOT Over Design Your Resume

Over designing your resume is not going to help you in an Interview for government jobs. Hence keep it simple and focus on developing your personality.

  1. Do NOT Over-Describe Yourself in Resume

Do not over-describe yourself in your resume. You should have all those qualities that are mentioned in your resume. Do not write anything in resume which you do not possess.

  1. Always by Heart Your Resume

You should know everything by heart whatever you have written in your resume. Hence study your resume carefully after it is completed.

  1. Explore More about Resume on the Internet

Resume is also an important factor if you want to clear an interview. Hence take it seriously and look for more designs or how to prepare resumes on the internet.

  1. On the Day of Interview Wake Up Early & have Light Breakfast

Wake early on the day of interview. Have a light breakfast. If you take heavy breakfast then you might become dull.

  1. Visit the Venue of Interview One Day Before

It is very important to visit the venue of Interview one day before to avoid last minute rush. Your entire interview could go wrong on that day. Hence visit the venue one day in advance.

  1. Try Using Personal Vehicle Rather Public Transport

For commuting on the day of interview try to use your personal vehicle rather than public transport.

  1. Be Punctual

Come for the interview on time. If you come late then you will be screwing your entire interview. If you arrive late then I can only say better luck next time!

  1. First Impression is the Last Impression

In an Interview it is the first impression that matters. If clothes are ugly or you arrive late then you do not make a good impression on the Interviewers.

  1. Carry all Relevant Documents

Carry all important documents for the interview. It could be your certificates and other documents that interviews might ask.

  1. Bring Less Things to Interview

Avoid carrying unnecessary luggage to Interview. Less things means less tension.