Asking Questions in a Job Interview


Here is a list of some relevant questions that you could ask:

  1. Describe a typical day in office for my job position?
    2.  What skills are required for this position?
    3.  What is the management style of the company?
    4.  Is there any challenge facing the company today? If yes, then what is being done about it?
    5.  What will be my promotion prospects?
    6.  Who will measure my progress and how often?
    7.  What are the main challenges I will have to deal with initially?
    8.  How will be my career path determined?
    9.  How do you measure success in your company?
    10. Describe an ideal candidate for this job?
    11. Is relocation a possibility, if I am hired?
    12. Does this company have an edge over its competitors? If yes, then in what ways?
    13. If selected, how much time will I be given to accept the offer and when will I be expected to join work?
    14. What is the company’s culture like?
    15. Does the company provide education and training for their employees to keep them up to date?
    16. What did you see in my personality and skills that makes me suitable for this job?
    17. How would you describe the organisational structure of the company?
    18. When will you get back to me about the selection process?