1. A, B and C invested Rs.6300, Rs.4200 and Rs.10500 respectively, in a partnership business. Find the share of A in profit of Rs.12100 after a year?
A. Rs.3630
B. Rs.2840
C. Rs.3200
D. Rs.5600

2. A, B, C and D enter into partnership. A subscribes 1/3 of the capital B 1/4, C 1/5 and D the rest. How much share did A get in a profit of Rs.2460?
A. Rs.480
B. Rs.615
C. Rs.820
D. Rs.740

3. If Rs.3250 be divided among Ram, Shyam and Mohan in the ratio of 1/2:1/3:1/4 then the share of each are?
A. Ram = Rs.1500, Shyam = Rs.1000, Mohan = Rs.750
B. Ram = Rs.2500, Shyam = Rs.500, Mohan = Rs.250
C. Ram = Rs.1200, Shyam = Rs.1300, Mohan = Rs.750
D. None

4. A and B entered into a partnership investing Rs.25000 and Rs.30000 respectively. After 4 months C also joined the business with an investment of Rs.35000. What is the share of C in an annual profit of Rs.47000?
A. Rs.18000
B. Rs.15000
C. Rs.17000
D. Rs.14000

5. A and B enter into partnership with capital as 7:9. At the end of 8 months, A withdraws. If they receive the profits in the ratio of 8:9 find how long B’s capital was used?
A. 6 months
B. 8 months
C. 10 months
D. 7 months

6. A and B began business with Rs.3000 and Rs.4000 after 8 months, A withdraws Rs.1000 and B advances Rs.1000 more. At the end of the year, their profits amounted to Rs.630 find the share of A.
A. Rs.240
B. Rs.350
C. Rs.340
D. Rs.390

7. A starts business with a capital of Rs.1200 B and C join with some investments after 3 and 6 months respectively. If the end of a year, the profit is divided in the ratio 2:3:5 respectively. What is B’s investment in the business?
A. Rs.2400
B. Rs.1800
C. Rs.3600
D. Rs.6000

8. A, B, C together started a business. A invested Rs.6000 for 5 months B invested Rs.3600 for 6 months and C Rs.7500 for 3 months. If they get a total profit of Rs.7410. Find the share of A?
A. Rs.3750
B. Rs.3000
C. Rs.3200
D. Rs.2160

9. If 6 (A’s capital) = 8 (B’s capital) = 10 (C’s capital). Then the ratio of their capitals is:
A. 3:4:5
B. 12:15:20
C. 20:15:12
D. 6:8:10

10. A, B and C are partners in a business. Their capitals are respectively, Rs.5000, Rs.6000 and Rs.4000. A gets 30% of the total profit for managing the business. The remaining profit is divided among three in the ratio of their capitals. In the end of the year, the profit of A is Rs.200 more than the sum of the profits of B and C. Find the total profit.
A. Rs.4500
B. Rs.5200
C. Rs.1800
D. Rs.3000

11. A, B and C are entered into a partnership. A invested Rs.6500 for 6 months, B invested Rs.8400 for 5 months and C invested for Rs.10000 for 3 months. A is a working partner and gets 5% of the total profit for the same. Find the share of C in a total profit of Rs.7400.
A. 1750
B. 1900
C. 8600
D. 10300

12. A began business with Rs.45000 and was joined afterwards by B with Rs.5400. When did B join if the profits at the end of the year were divided in the ratio of 2:1?
A. 4 months
B. 6 months
C. 7 months
D. 9 months

13. A, B and C rents a pasture for Rs.870. A put in 12 horses for 8 months, B 16 horses for 9 months and 18 horses for 6 months. How much should C pay?
A. Rs.270
B. Rs.185
C. Rs.215
D. Rs.380

14. Two persons A and B take a field on rent. A puts on it 21 horses for 3 months and 15 cows for 2 months; B puts 15 cows for 6months and 40 sheep for 7 1/2 months. If one day, 3 horses eat as much as 5 cows and 6 cows as much as 10 sheep, what part of the rent should A pay?
A. 1/3 rd
B. 2/5 th
C. 2/3 rd
D. 1/5 th

15. A, B and C are partners. A receives 2/3 of profits, B and C dividing the remainder equally. A’s income is increased by Rs.200 when the rate to profit rises from 5 to 7 percent. Find the Capital of B?
A. Rs.2450
B. Rs.3600
C. Rs.2500
D. Rs.3100

16. Three persons invested Rs.9000 in a joint business. The second person invested Rs.1000 more than the first and the third Rs.1000 more than second. After two years, they gained Rs.5400. How much third person will get?
A. Rs.2400
B. Rs.3600
C. Rs.2850
D. Rs.2000

17. A, B and C enter into partnership. A invests some money at the beginning, B invests double the amount after 6 months, and C invests thrice the amount after 8 months. If the annual gain be Rs.18000. A’s share is?
A. Rs.7500
B. Rs.7200
C. Rs.6000
D. Rs.5750

18. A and B rent a pasture for 10 months. A put in 80 cows for 7 months. How many can B put in for the remaining 3 months, if he pays half as much again as A?
A. 120
B. 180
C. 200
D. 280

19. A and B put in Rs.300 and Rs.400 respectively into a business. A reinvests into the business his share of the first year’s profit of Rs.210 where as B does not. In what ratio should they divide the second year’s profit?
A. 39:40
B. 40:39
C. 3:4
D. 4:3

20. A and B invests Rs.3000 and Rs.4000 respectively in a business. If A doubles his capital after 6 months. In what ratio should A and B divide that year’s profit?
A. 9:10
B. 9:8
C. 3:4
D. 39:49

1. A
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. D
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. D
11. B
12. C
13. A
14. A
15. C
16. A
17. C
18. D
19. A
20. B

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