1. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the middle?
A. Plane
B. Plain
C. Plenty
D. Player
E. Place
2. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the middle ?
A. Reprimand
B. Reverence
C. Amazed
D. Acquire
E. Disturb
3. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the middle?
A. Sound
B. Socks
C. Shock
D. Snooker
E. Sharp
4. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the middle?
A. Parasite
B. Party
C. Petal
D. Paste
E. Prick
5. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the middle?
A. Heaven
B. Hillock
C. Hawker
D. Hilt
E. History
6. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the middle?
A. Catastrophe
B. Canvass
C. Crisp
D. Charcoal
E. Character
7. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the middle?
A. Robber
B. Rocket
C. Random
D. Restaurant
E. Restrict
8. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the middle?
A. Outrage
B. Outcast
C. Overture
D. Overtake
E. Ovary
9. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the middle?
A. Delude
B. Delirium
C. Defer
D. Demean
E. Delete
10. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the middle?
A. Transform
B. Transport
C. Transplant
D. Transfer
E. Trickery
11. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the middle?
A. Section
B. Septic
C. Seclude
D. Secure
E. Sentiment
12. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the middle?
A. Verrigate
B. Vibrate
C. Vindictive
D. Trench
E. Wavering
13. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the middle?
A. Leprosy
B. Lessen
C. Lesson
D. Language
E. Languid
14. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the middle?
A. Assistant
B. Assessment
C. Asbestos
D. Asterick
E. Ass
15. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the middle?
A. Firmament
B. Finish
C. First
D. Fissure
E. Fiscal
16. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the middle?
A. Bishop
B. Bifocal
C. Bicycle
D. Bitter
E. Brink
17. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the middle?
A. Cathedral
B. Catenation
C. Abacus
D. Category
E. Catalogue
18. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the middle?
A. Amphibian
B. Amorphous
C. Amphidextrous
D. Ambiguous
E. Ambivalent
19. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the middle?
A. Haste
B. Haphazard
C. Host
D. Hang
E. Handkerchief
20. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the middle?
A. Nozzle
B. Nausea
C. Nostril
D. Nomenclature
E. Normal
1. A
2. E
3. D
4. D
5. B
6. E
7. E
8. E
9. B
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. A
14. B
15. C
16. A
17. D
18. B
19. B
20. E