Topic Of The Day:-“Another dateline”

Ayodhya, December 6, 1992 is a dateline, a hate-line, a fate-line. Babri Masjid, the 16th century mosque was built spitefully, it is said, on the exact spot in Ayodhya, where Rama was born. In fact, the pious say, a temple stood where the mosque came up. The mosque had, over the years, become a contested site, a Hindu v Muslim akhara. And on that day, Hindu muscle power asserted itself. Watched by unwitting, unsure or captive seniors of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and with a police force unable or unwilling to intervene, 1,50,000 delirious Hindu kar sevaks brought the mosque down. In the rubble lay all hope for Hindu-Muslim concord. In it lay shattered Muslim trust in India’s secular future. And in it lay tattered, the Constitution’s guarantees about the freedom of religious belief. The broken stones said more: Here rises, at long last, they proclaimed, Veer Savarkar’s dream of a Hindu Rashtra. India partitioned was now India polarised.  Savarkar’s spirit must have felt more than fulfilled.


1) Trekked

Meaning: To walk a long distance, usually over land such as hills, mountains, or forests; travel constantly from place to place.

Example: We spent the day trekking through forests and over mountains.

Synonyms: Travel, Migration

2) Scorching

Meaning: (of criticism) harsh; severe.

Example: “he faced scorching criticism”

Synonyms: Fierce, Savage

Antonyms: Mild

3) Unwavering

Meaning: Not wavering; steady or resolute.

Example: “she fixed him with an unwavering stare”

Synonyms: Steady, Fixed

Antonyms: Unsteady

4) Pluralism

Meaning: The existence of different types of people, who have different beliefs and opinions, within the same society.

Example: After years of state control, the country is now moving towards political/religious/cultural pluralism.

5) Cataclysm

Meaning: A sudden violent political or social upheaval.

Example: “the cataclysm of the First World War”

Synonyms: Disaster, Calamity

Antonyms: Salvation, Godsend

6) Traumatic

Meaning: Deeply disturbing or distressing.

Example: “she was going through a traumatic divorce”

Synonyms: Disturbing, Shocking

Antonyms: Soothing, Successful

7) Assassination

Meaning: The action of assassinating someone.

Example: “the assassination of President Kennedy”

Synonyms: Slaughter, Extermination

8) Portrait

Meaning: A painting, drawing, photograph, or engraving of a person, especially one depicting only the face or head and shoulders.

Example: “a portrait of George III”

Synonyms: Picture, Sketch

9) Rubble

Meaning: Waste or rough fragments of stone, brick, concrete, etc., especially as the debris from the demolition of buildings.

Example: “two buildings collapsed, trapping scores of people in the rubble”

Synonyms: Debris, Remains

10) Valorised

Meaning: Give or ascribe value or validity to.

Example: “the culture valorizes the individual”

11) Vandalism

Meaning: Action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property.

Example: “an act of mindless vandalism”

12) Triptych

Meaning: A set of three associated artistic, literary, or musical works intended to be appreciated together. (Here, murder, vandalism and celebration)

Example: “a triptych on the theme of the holocaust”

13) Allegiance

Meaning: Loyalty or commitment to a superior or to a group or cause.

Example: “those wishing to receive citizenship must swear allegiance to the republic”

Synonyms: Loyalty, Faithfulness

Antonyms: Disloyalty, Treachey

14) Traumatised

Meaning: Subject to lasting shock as a result of a disturbing experience or physical injury.

Example: “the children were traumatized by separation from their families”

15) Spitefully

Meaning: Wanting to annoy, upset, or hurt another person, especially in a small way, because you feel angry towards them.

Example: That was a spiteful thing to say!

16) Pious

Meaning: Devoutly religious.

Example: “a deeply pious woman”

Synonyms: Religious, Devout

Antonyms:   Impious, Irreligious

17) Unwitting

Meaning: Not done on purpose; unintentional.

Example: “we are anxious to rectify the unwitting mistakes made in the past”

Synonyms: Unintentional, Involuntary

Antonyms: Deliberate, Conscious

18) Delirious

Meaning: In a state of wild excitement or ecstasy.

Example: “there was a great roar from the delirious crowd”

Synonyms: Ecstatic, Overjoyed

Antonyms: Disappointment, Depressed

19) Shattered

Meaning: Damage or destroy (something abstract).

Example: “the crisis will shatter their confidence”

Synonyms: Destroy, Wreck

20) Tattered

Meaning: Old and torn; in poor condition.

Example: “an old woman in tattered clothes”