Talent Hunt Answers 12/02/2018


1.Who has recently nominated US President Donald Trump as the President of the World Bank? 

a Melania trump
b. John Luke
c. David Malpus

ANSWER: c. David Malpus
Description: President Donald Trump has nominated David Malpus, one of his key economic advisors, for the position of President of the World Bank. David Malpus is currently working as Under Secretary in the Treasury Department.

2. At which of the following Atomic Tech-2019 conference was held?
a Bengaluru
b. Chandigarh
c. New Delhi
d. Chennai

ANSWER: c. new Delhi
Details: The Department of Atomic Energy and DAE (DAE) organized the ‘Nuclear Tech-2015’ conference in New Delhi. The issues related to nuclear energy and radiation technologies were discussed in this conference.

3. In the interim budget 2019-20, under the Prime Minister Kisan Mahan Nidhi Yojana announced by Finance Minister Piyush Goyal, how much land will the farmers be given the benefit of the scheme?
a Two hectares or less
b Half hectare or less
c. One hectare or less
d. None of the above

ANSWER: a. Two hectares or less
Details: According to the guidelines of the Prime Minister’s Kisan Adhash Nidhi Yojna, farmers of two years of cultivation or less will be benefitted from this scheme.

4. How much amount has been allocated for pipe drinking water scheme in villages battling Bundelkhand, Vindhya region and water crisis in Uttar Pradesh budget 2019-20?
a 1500 crores rupees
b. 2000 crores
c. 2500 crores
d. Rs 3000 crore
ANSWER: d. 3000 Crore
Details: In Uttar Pradesh budget 2019-20, 3,000 crores have been proposed for pipelines in the villages battling Bundelkhand, Vindhya region and water crisis.

5. Uttar Pradesh Finance Minister Finance Minister Rajesh Agarwal has announced a budget of 2019-20 for the budget of Kanha Goshala in cities.
a 156 crores
b. 200 crores rupees
c. 298 crores
d. 300 crores

ANSWER: b. 200 crores rupees
Description: Uttar Pradesh Finance Minister Rajesh Agarwal has announced a budget of Rs. 247 crores on cattle maintenance and Rs. 200 crores for cities in Kanha Gosala.